Журнал «Языки и фольклор коренных народов Сибири» | Институт филологии СО РАН
ISSN 2712-9608 [6+]
Founder — Institute of Philology, SB RAS
Languages and Folklore of
Indigenous Peoples of Siberia
Digital network scientific journal
For specialists in literature and folklor
DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337
Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783 
Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia)
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Editorial Office Address: Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the RAS. 8 Nikolaeva St, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation.

Issue 43, 2022

DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337-2022-1

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Table of Content


M. G. Kondratyev
Tuvan song rhythm in terms of of general theoretical categories
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E. L. Tiron
Lullabies of Tuvans: based on the field materials of the Novosibirsk Conservatory and the Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
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Narrative Folklore

B.-Kh. B. Tsybikova
Specificity of the new field material in the corpus of the volume of non-fairytale prose of Buryats
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Ch. G. Ondar
Syntagmatic approach to differential object marking in Tuvan and Khakas
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N. B. Koshkareva
Predicative forms of adjectives in nenets sentences of qualitative characterization
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N. S. Urtegeshev
Previously undescribed vowel type: dufons
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Translation studies

A. T. Badarchy
Lexico-semantic substitutions in the translation of “The tale of a fair boy” by S. A. Saryg-ool
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Tatyana V. Dayneko
The work of a lifetime:Interview with Evgenia Nikolaevna Kuz’mina (on her 75th birthday)
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V. A. Moskvina, E. P. Solovyova
In memory of the Teacher: Dedicated to Tatyana Georgievna Leonova
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