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Languages and Folklore of
Digital network scientific journal Indigenous Peoples of Siberia For specialists in literature and folklor |
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DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783
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Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia) | |
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ArticleName: Tuvan song rhythm in terms of of general theoretical categories Authors: M. G. Kondratyev Chuvash State Institute for the Humanities (Cheboksary, Russian Federation) In the section Этномузыковедение
Abstract: The current stage of knowledge on Tuvan folk music allows outlining the transition from the descriptiveness to using the modern music theory categories. This paper proposes an approach to the analysis of musical and poetic rhythm tested on the material of folk songs of the peoples of the Volga region. The sound-time process in the intonation of songs by Tuvan performers consists of equal periods of time, referred to in classical theory as “mora”. This unit serves as the basis for all other forms of organization of the musical rhythm of a Tuvan song. Thus, the hierarchical scale of musical rhythm is built by summation, i.e., it is opposite to the verse scale formed by division. This means that the Tuvan song rhythm is organized according to the time-measuring principle and represents a kind of quantitative system. Rhythmic cells are combined into melodic and poetic lines, into poetic quantitative systems called meters. In Tuvan songs, lines of four cells prevail, corresponding to an eight-syllable verse. The correlation of the musical process with the syllabic structure of the verse in the musical and poetic process of Tuvan songs is found at the level of the primary grouping of a uniform pulse. A syllable can be sung both for each “step” of the pulse, and stretched or sung for two, three, four (etc.) moras. A complete catalogue (index) of both fixed and theoretically possible rhythms is built from the rhythmic schemes of the lines. Keywords: Tuvan folk song, rhythm, philological approach, melos approach, uniform unit of reference, mora, rhythmic cells, melodic line, time-measuring quantitative system, catalog of rhythms Bibliography: Aksenov A. N. Tuvinskaya narodnaya muzyka [Tuvan folk music]. E. V. Gippius (Ed., pref.). Moscow, Muzyka, 1964. Arkadʼev M. A. Vremennye struktury novoevropeiskoi muzyki. Opyt fenomenologicheskogo issledovaniya [Time structures of modern European music. An experience of phenomenological research]. 2nd ed. Moscow, Biblos, 1992. Asafʼev B. V. O narodnoi muzyke [On folk music]. I. Zemtsovsky, A. Kunanbaeva (Comps.). Leningrad, Muzyka, 1987. Gippius E. V. Predislovie redaktora [Editor’s Foreword]. In: Aksenov A. N. Tuvinskaya narodnaya muzyka [Tuvan folk music]. E. V. Gippius (Ed., pref.). Moscow, Muzyka, 1964, pp. 3–13. Kan-ool A. Kh. Pesennaya traditsiya tuvintsev Erzinskogo kozhuna v nachale 21 veka [The song tradition of Tuvans of the Erzin kozhun in the early 21th century]. Abstract of Cand. diss. in Art studies. Novosibirsk, 2020. Karelina E. K. Istoriya tuvinskoi muzyki. Ot padeniya dinastii Tsin i do nashikh dnei: issledovanie [The history of Tuvan music. From the fall of Qin Dynasty to our time: a study]. Moscow, Kompozitor, 2009. Karelina E. K. Stranitsy istorii tuvinskogo etnomuzykoznaniya [Pages of history of the Tuvan ethnomusicology]. Journal of Musical Science. 2016, no. 2 (12), pp. 10–17. Kholopova V. N. Russkaya muzykalʼnaya ritmika [The Russian music rhythm]. Moscow, Sov. kompozitor, 1983. Kholopova V. N. Teoriya muzyki: Melodika. Ritmika. Faktura. Tematizm [The musical theory: Melody. Rhythm. Texture. Thematic inventions]. St. Petersburg, Lan’, 2002. Kholopova V. N. Voprosy ritma v tvorchestve kompozitorov pervoi poloviny 20 veka [Problems of rhythm in the oeuvres of composers of the early 20th century]. Moscow, Muzyka, 1971. Kondratʼev M. G. O ritme chuvashskoi narodnoi pesni: K probleme kvantitativnosti v narodnoi muzyke [On the rhythm of Chuvash folk songs: To the issue of quantitativeness in the folk music]. Moscow, Sov. kompozitor, 1990. Kvitka K. V. Izbrannye trudy. V 2 t. [Selected works. In 2 vols]. Moscow, Sov. kompozitor, 1973, vol. 2. Kyrgys Z. K. Pesennaya kulʼtura tuvinskogo naroda [The song culture of Tuvan people]. Kyzyl, Tuv. kn. izd., 1992. Kyrgys Z. K. Tuvinskoe gorlovoe penie: Etnomuzykovedcheskoe issledovanie [Tuvan throat singing: Ethnomusicological research]. I. V. Matsievsky (Ed.). Novosibirsk, Nauka, 2002. Mongush A. D.-B. Tuvinskii pesennyi folʼklor: ladozvukoryadnyi aspect [Tuvan song folklore: the modus and scale aspect]. Kyzyl, 2013. Smirnova E. M. Ritmicheskii stroi muzykalʼno-poeticheskogo folʼklora tatar-musulʼman Volgo-Uralʼya [The rhythm modus of the musical and poetic folklore of Tatars of Volga-Ural region.]. Kazan State Conservatory. Kazan, 2008. Tiron E. L. Pesni tuvintsev-todzhintsev: zhanry yr i kozhamyk v kontse 20 stoletiya [Songs of Tuvans-todzhins: yr and kozhamyk genres at the end of the 20th century]. G. B. Sychenko (Ed. in Ch.). Novosibirsk, Nauka, 2018. Tuvinskie narodnye pesni i obryadovaya poeziya [Tuvan folk songs and ritual poetry]. Z. K. Kyrgys (Comp.). Kyzyl, Sibirskaya gornitsa, 2015. |
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