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Languages and Folklore of
Digital network scientific journal Indigenous Peoples of Siberia For specialists in literature and folklor |
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DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783
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Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia) | |
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Submission RequirementsFormatting guidelines for materials submitted to the Editorial Board A paper should be submitted in electronic form and sent to the Editorial Office of the Journal: yaz_fol_sibiri@mail.ru. The format of the files should be *.docx, *.doc, *.rtf. The Editorial Board accepts manuscripts of 20,000 to 40,000 characters (including spaces) — 0.5 to 1 author's page. The text file of a paper should be named as “Surname_First 2-4 words of the title of the paper”, for example: Ivanov_Poetics_of_the_Buryat_Epic. In addition to the text of a paper, the submission set should include two separate files. In the first additional file, named “Surname_Data_about_the_author” (for example, Ivanov_Data_about_the_author), the author should provide the following information in Russian and English:
In addition, the author should provide an abstract in Russian — at least 650 characters (including spaces) and extended abstract in English, with a translation into Russian (not published) — 250 words. The abstract in English should not duplicate the abstract in Russian. Rather, it should be an independent text showing the structure and the main content of the paper. UDC code. The UDC should be as detailed as possible. If one has difficulties in determining the UDC, it is recommended to consult bibliographers. The second additional file, named “Surname_Consent” (for example: Ivanov_Consent), should include the scanned text of the author's consent to the use of his data with a certified signature (download form). Postgraduate student papers require, in addition to the above-mentioned documents, the supervisor's recommendation in the form of a scanned text with the signature and contact information of the supervisor. The file is to be named “Name (of the postgraduate student)_Recommendation” (for example: Petrov_Recommendation). Formatting requirementsA sample of a paper and list of references can be downloaded by following the link. Page parameters: page format (paper size) — A4 (210 ´ 297); portrait orientation; mirror margins: top, inside, bottom — 2,5 cm, outside — 1,5 cm (Layout — Margins — Custom margins — in the menu “Page parameters” the necessary numbers and mirroring should be set and applied to the entire document). Font — Times New Roman; color — black; font size for the text of the manuscript — 11; interval — single; indentation — 0.5 cm; hyphenation — automatic. Notes to the text should be in the form of page footnotes with continuous numbering throughout the text of a manuscript. If necessary, the text of a manuscript may include verses (font parameters are the same), tables, charts, musical examples. Foreign words — illustrative material in linguistic papers (word, phraseological unit, word combination, sentence), fragments of folklore texts in the original language, etc., should be typed in italics. Translation of foreign-language words and text fragments should be placed in single (marrow) quotation marks (‚...‚). For example: ak jaryk ‚white light‚; Kudayym jayap kygon, / Munu? uchun jӱrӱm ‚My Kudai created me, / Therefore I live!‚ When using fonts (except Cyrillic or Latin) to type quotations in the language of the tradition under study, it is necessary to provide the files of non-standard fonts (.ttf). In the text of a manuscript (in Russian), a quote should be enclosed in quotation marks. Outer quotation marks are «guillemets» («...»), inner ones are “paws” (“...”), for example: K. V. Chistov wrote: «Mezhdu “razovymi” i “traditsionnymi” tekstami — ne rezkaya granitsa, a prostrannaya polosa perekhoda» (In all English parts of the paper, there should be no «guillemets»: “Between ‚one-off‚ and ‚traditional‚ texts there is not a sharp border, but a lengthy strip of transition.”) When quoting previously unpublished folklore texts, full passport data should be given: who, when, where, and from whom recorded this sample, the year of birth of the informant (and other details, if known), as well as where the audio recording or manuscript is currently stored. For example: “ Oy, elachka dy sasonachka byla zilina” is published according to the audio recording: GANO, f. Melnikova, EK-86, ML, A-19. The recording was made by T. V. Khoruzhenko in 1986 in the village of Ivanovka, Kyshtovsky District, Novosibirsk Oblast, from I. K. Bondarev, b. 1918, A. A. Bondareva, b. 1921. Musical notes were made by T. B. Varfolomeeva. Tables should be placed directly in the text of a manuscript and numbered in order. The following principle of uniformity should be adhered to: all tables should have thematic headings, or all without exception should be without titles. The absence of data in the table is indicated by a dash or with the help of abbreviations: «Ne obn.» (Not found), «Ne opr.» (Not specified), «Net sved.» (No information). All information in the columns should be typed in 9 point font. Music examples should be placed in the text of a manuscript or at the end of it. They should be numbered and have titles. Illustrations can also be published. They can be placed directly in the text or on the second and third sides of the cover. For example: http://www.philology.nsc.ru/journals/ykns/pdf/YFKNS_26/2014_26_Oinotkinova.pdf; http://www.philology.nsc.ru/journals/ykns/pdf/YFKNS_26/2014_26_oborot_oblozki1.pdf; http://www.philology.nsc.ru/journals/ykns/pdf/YFKNS_26/2014_26_oborot_oblozki2.pdf Figures and/or photographs to illustrate the content of a manuscript (only in .gif, .jpg, .tif formats) should additionally be attached as separate files. They should be numbered and have detailed titles and/or comments on them in a separate file. Captions for tables, musical examples, photographs, and figures should be made in two languages: Russian and English. The main text of a manuscript should be followed by the necessary additional information: a list of informants, a list of abbreviations, a list of archival sources, and a bibliography. This information is to be typed in the same font, type size 10, with alignment by width. Formatting of ReferencesSources should be arranged in the form of a bibliography list following the text in alphabetical order (firstly literature in Russian, then in foreign languages). References should not be numbered. A list of references should include only those publications that are referenced in the text of a manuscript. Literature references should be given in square brackets in the text of the manuscript, indicating the author's surname and year of publication; when citing, it is necessary to indicate the pages, for example: [Meletinsky, 1968, p. 12]. References to archival materials, normative documents, Internet sources with volatile content (except for electronic editions amenable to bibliographic description), blogs, forums, etc. should be placed in page notes (footnotes). Bibliographic descriptions of publications of various types should be arranged as follows (in Russian):Zhirmunskiy V. M. Narodnyy geroicheskiy epos. M.; L., 1962. Mify, legendy, predaniya tuvintsev / Sost. N. A. Alekseev, D. S. Kuular, Z. B. Samdan, Zh. M. Yusha. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2010. 372 s. (Pamyatniki fol'klora narodov Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka; T. 28). Gombozhapov A. G., Sagalaev K. A. Semeyno-bytovaya obryadnost' nanaytsev po materialam ekspeditsii v Khabarovskiy kray v 2011 g. // Narodnaya kul'tura Sibiri: Materialy XX nauch.-prakt. seminara Sibirskogo regional'nogo vuzovskogo tsentra po fol'kloru / Otv. red. T. G. Leonova. Omsk: Izd-vo OmGPU, 2011. S. 46—50. Sravnitel'no-istoricheskoe i tipologicheskoe izuchenie yazykov i kul'tur: Sb. tezisov mezhdunar. nauch. konf. XXV-e Dul'zonovskie chteniya (26—29 iyunya 2008 g.). Tomsk, 2008. 170 s. Eger G. Kommunikativnaya i funktsional'naya ekvivalentnost' // Vopr. teorii perevoda v sovremennoy lingvistike. M., 1978. S. 137—156. Avrorin V. A. Grammatika nanayskogo yazyka. M.; L., 1961. T. 2: Morfologiya glagol'nykh i narechnykh chastey rechi, mezhdometiy, sluzhebnykh slov i chastits. Verte L .A. Konsonantizm khantyyskogo yazyka (eksperimental'noe issledovanie): Avtoref. dis. ... kand. filol. nauk. Tartu, 1982. Arbachakova L. N., Kuz'mina E. N. Shorskiy epos: priznaki ugasaniya traditsii // Yazyki i fol'klor korennykh narodov Sibiri. 2014. №2 (vyp. 27). S. 68—72. Rzasoy S. Sovremennaya azerbaydzhanskaya fol'kloristika. Baku, 2013 (na azerb. yaz.). The Editorial Board has the right not to accept a paper if it does not correspond to the stated topic, academic level, or formatting requirements. Questions on publishing papers in the “Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia” should be sent to: yaz_fol_sibiri@mail.ru. Executive secretaries of the Journal: the section “Folklore studies”— Tatyana Vladimirovna Daineko, the section “Language studies” — Bayyr-ool Aziana Vitalievna. |
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Institute of Philology Nikolaeva st., 8, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation +7-383-330-15-18, ifl@philology.nsc.ru |
© Institute of Philology |