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Editorial Office Address: Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the RAS. 8 Nikolaeva St, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation.
yaz_fol_sibiri@mail.ru |
Issue 28, 2015
Table of Content
Narrative Folklore | | Arbachakova L.N., Kuzmina E.N.
Properties of the mail kujak in Shor epic stories
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 | | Golovaneva T.A., Maltseva A.A.
A variant of the Koryak fairy tale about the mice sliding from the top of the hill recorded from Alexandra Simonova
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 | | Golovaneva T.A., Maltseva A.A.
Self-written by Ekaterina Dedyk: а variant of the Koryak fairy tale about the mice sliding from the top of the hill
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 | | Korolyova E.V.
Altai folk historical legends in the close XX–early XXI c.: the environment and pecularities of reproduction of folk texts
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 | | Mindibekova V.V.
The image of water in toponymic myths of Khakass
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 | | Dmitrienko A.N.
The traitor characters in Buryat and Altai epos
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Ritual Folklore | | Oynotkinova N.R.
On the results of field study of current ritual folklore of Altai
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 | | Sagalaev K.A.
Archaic rituals today: the new meanings and forms
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Minor Genres | | Bidinova A.K.
The metaphors designating a person in Altai riddles
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 | | Smirnov Yu.I.
The satirical tales about ancient habitants of Anadyr river
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The folklore text: translation and analytic decsription | | Limorenko Yu.V.
The scientific translation of folklore text: goals and means (through the example of the translation of an epic)
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 | | Yusha Zh. M.
On the problem of the study of verbal component of a folk song
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Folklore Studies Ethnomusicology | | Soldatova G.E.
The experiments of the results of analysis of the temporal organization of Mansi ritual tunes
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 | | Tatarinova A.A.
The scientific creative work of E.Ye. Alekseyev and the Yakut round dance ohuokhai
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Folklore Field-work | | Belyaeva M.E.
The current folklore situation in the Northern Kamchatka based on the results of folklore and ethnografic field studies
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 | | Libert E.A.
Yiddish songs: on the problem of the language recording of the material
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Reviews | | Oynotkinova N.R.
L.N. Tybykova, I.A. Nevskaya, M. Erdal. Catalogue of the Old Turkic Runic monuments of Gorny Altai. Gorno-Altaisk, 2012. 152 p.
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 | | Shentsova I.V.
N.R. Oynotkinova. Altai proverbs and sayings: linguopoetics and pragmatics of the genres. Novosibirsk, 2012. 354 p.
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Сhronicle | | E.A. Samodelova
In the memory of Yuriy Ivanovich Smirnov
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