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Languages and Folklore of
Digital network scientific journal Indigenous Peoples of Siberia For specialists in literature and folklor |
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DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783
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Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia) | |
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ArticleName: Poetics of shamanic text dedicated to the deity Altai-Kudai, in the recording of A.V. Anokhin Authors: N. R. Oinotkinova Institute of Philology of the SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation In the section Обрядовый фольклор
Abstract: The paper is devoted to identifying the compositional and semantic features of the shamanic text recorded by A. V. Anokhin in 1910 from the Tuba shaman Balandi. The analysis showed the text to consistently reflect all the ritual actions characteristic of the shaman rite. The main actions are invoking deities and host spirits, sacrifices to deities and master spirits of the Middle World, and sprinkling of the Ot-Ene, home spirit of fire. The ceremony had a family and household character, with the main purpose being to ask for grace for one family. The cult of mountains, worship of the deities and spirits of the Middle World reflected in the rite (Altai-Kudai ‘Altai-God’, Jayik ‘Dyayik (Idol Creator)’, Ot-Ene ‘Fire-Mother’) indicate the involvement of the performer of this ritual text in the South Altai tradition of shamanism. The appeal to the deity Altai-Kudai testifies to the fact that already at the beginning of the twen- tieth century, the Altaians formed a monotheistic image of a single deity. The key mythologeme in the text is the shaman’s journey to the top of the ridge inhabited by the deity Altai-Kudai who gives grace, happiness, and prosperity to the souls of cattle and children. The analyzed shamanic text is distinguished by a high solemn style. The poetic form of the shamanic text provides maximum expressiveness and ultimate emotional and semantic richness. Its syllabic structure varies from seven to twelve syllables. The ritual structure consists of three-day actions with sacrifice to the spirits-masters of the sacred mountains. Keywords: Altai folklore, rituals of the Altaians, Altai shamanism, shamanic text, structure and semantics of shamanic Bibliography: Anokhin A. V. Materialy po shamanstvu u altaytsev, sobrannye vo vremya puteshestviy po Altayu v 1910–1912 gg. po porucheniyu Russkogo Komiteta dlya izucheniya Sredney i Vostochnoy Azii [Materials on the shamanism of the Altaians. Collected during travels in Altai in 1910–1912 on behalf of the Russian Committee for the Study of Central and East Asia]. Leningrad, RAS Publ., 1924, 150 p. (Sbornik MAE pri Ros. Akademii nauk [Coll. of the MAE under the RAS]. Vol. 4, pt. 2). (In Russ., in Altai). Ekeev N. V. Problemy etnicheskoy istorii altaytsev (issledovaniye i materialy) [Problems of the ethnic history of the Altaians (research and materials)]. Gorno-Altaysk, “Gorno-Altayskaya tip.”, 2011, 232 p. Nadelyayev V. M., Nasilov D. M., Tenishev E. R., Shcherbak A. M. Drevnetyurkskiy slovar’ [Ancient Türkic dictionary]. Leningrad, Nauka, 1969, 677 p. (In Russ.). Karunovskaya L. E. Predstavleniya altaytsev o Vselennoy: Materialy k altayskomu shamanstvu [Representations of the Altaians about the Universe: Materials for Altai shamanism]. Sovetskaya etnografiya. 1935, no. 4–5, pp. 160–183. (In Russ.). Oynotkinova N. R. Obryad osvyashcheniya pokrovitelya sem’i – D’ayyk (Jayyk) [The rite of consecration of the patron saint of the family – Dyayik (Jayik)]. In: Obryadnost’ v traditsionnoy kul’ture altaytsev [Rituals in the traditional culture of the Altaians]. Gorno-Altaysk, Research Institute of Altaistics named after S. S. Surazakov, 2019, pp. 74–77. (In Russ.). Pavlinskaya L. R. Oboo v kul’ure Vostochnykh Sayan: zhizn’ traditsii vo vreme-na peremen [Oboo in the culture of the Eastern Sayan: life tradition in times of change]. In: Radlovskiy sbornik: Nauchye issledovaniya i muzeynye proekty MAE RAN v 2006 g. [Radlov’s collection: Scientific research and museum pro-jects MAE in 2006]. Chistov Yu. K., Michaylova E. A. (Eds). St. Petersburg, MAE RAN, 2007, pp. 130–134. (In Russ.). Potapov L. P. Altayskiy shamanism [Altai shamanism]. Leningrad, Nauka, 1991, 321 p. (In Russ.). Sychenko G. B. Shamanskoye prizyvaniye Kana-Suyly: k probleme raboty s rannimi istochnikami [Shamanic invocation of Kan-Suila: on the problem of working with early sources]. Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia. 2018, no. 2 (iss. 36), pp. 107–117. (In Russ.). |
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