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Languages and Folklore of
Digital network scientific journal Indigenous Peoples of Siberia For specialists in literature and folklor |
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DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783
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Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia) | |
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ArticleName: Khorekteer as a melodic and lyric introduction of Tuvan khoomei Authors: M. M. Badyrgy International Khoomei Academy, Kyzyl, Russian Federation In the section Этномузыковедение
Abstract: This article discusses the notion of khorekteer in Tuvan throat-singing, khoomei, as a vocal method of performance in khoomei, executed with a constricted diaphragm or chest. The author regards khorekteer as an integral element of khoomei with semantic content. Khorekteer can precede musical composition in the form of melodic, introductory poetic strophes and be interlaced with “double-voiced episode”, or, conversely, can follow the double-voiced episode. Khorekteer as a performance method in khoomei was supposedly introduced by the outstanding Tuvan throat- singer Khunashtaar-ool Oorzhak, later described by Russian musicologist I. A. Bogdanov at the turn of the 1980s. Earlier, this method could have been called khoomei. The importance of khorekteer is evidenced by the examples of one’s chest (khorek in Tuvan) praising in khoomei texts provided in this article. The author also stresses that khorekteer is a key element distinguishing Tuvan throat-singing from solo double-voiced singing of other peoples. Researchers have described khorekteer as a musical piece, introduction with a psalmodic recitation of song words, melodic introductory recitative, one-voiced type of throat-singing in the low register with recitative melody, ditty with text, or just the initial part of musical composition. The article provides introductory poetic texts of Tuvan virtuosos of khoomei, differing by genre and melody diversity. The author agrees with Zoya Kyrgys, who was the one to put forward the theory of an exclusive role of khorekteer in Tuvan khoomei and suggested the term khorekteer instead of khoomei for the whole phenomenon of Tuvan throat-singing. Keywords: khorekteer, khoomei, singing with chest, Tuvan throat-singing, melodic introductory recitation, solo double-voice, sygyt, kargyraa, borbannadyr, ezengileer Bibliography: Aksenov A. N. Tuvinskaya narodnaya muzyka [Tuvan folk music]. Moscow, Muzyka, 1964, 238 p. (In Russ.). Bayazitova G. R. Muzykal’no-akusticheskie osnovy sol’nogo mnogogolosiya: mekhanizmy zvukoobrazovaniya burdonnogo basa (na primere bashkirskogo uzlyau) [Musical and acoustic basics of solo double- voice: mechanism of sound-production of drone bass (a case study of Bashkir uzlyau)]. Abstract of Cand. of Arts Diss. Saratov, 2013. 30 p. (In Russ.). Dmitriev L. B., Chernov B. P., Maslov V. T. Tayna tuvinskogo “dueta” ili svoystvo gortani cheloveka formirovat’ mekhanizm aerodinami-cheskogo svista [Secret of Tuvan “duet” or the capacity of hu-man larynx to generate aerodynamic whistle]. V. P. Kasnacheev (Ed). Novosibirsk, Red.-poligraf ob”edinenie SO RACKhH, 1992, 88 p. (In Russ.). Kyrgys Z. K. Pesennaia kul’tura tuvinskogo naroda [Song culture of the Tuvan people]. Kyzyl, Tuva Publ. House, 1992, 144 p. (In Russ.). Kyrgys Z. K. Tayna tuvinskogo gorlovogo peniya khoomeya [Mystery of Tuvan throat-singing, khoomei]. Kyzyl, Tyvapoligraf, 2013, 138 p. (In Russ.). Kyrgys Z. K. Tuvinskoe gorlovoe penie. Etnomuzykovedcheskoe issledovanie [Tuvan throat-singing. Ethnomusicological investigation]. Novosibirsk, Nauka, 2002, 236 p. (In Russ.). Mongush U. O. Muzykal’naya terminologiya v tuvinskom yazyke [Music terminology in the Tuvan language]. Abstract of Cand. philol. sci. diss. Kyzyl, 2014, 306 p. (In Russ.). Tiron E. L., Kan-ool A. Kh. Traditsiya gorlovogo peniya Ovyurskogo raiona Respubliki Tyva: ot arkhivnykh materialov k sovremennym zapisyam [Tradition of throat-singing in Ovur districk of the Republic of Tyva: from archive materials to present-day records]. In: Ot golosa k instrumentu: fenomen zvuka v traditsionnom kul’turnom nasledii tyurkoyazychnogo mira: Materialy Pyatogo simposiuma issledovatel’skoi gruppy “Musyka tyurkoyazychnogo mira” (Almaty, 21–23 aprelya 2016 g.) [From voice to instru-ment: phenomenon of sound in traditional cultural legacy of Turkic-speaking world: Proceedings of the Fifth symposium of research team “Music of Turkic-speaking world” (Almaty, April 21–23, 2016). Almaty, Kazakh. Natz. konservatoriya im. Kurmangazy, 2016, pp. 53–67. (In Russ.). |
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