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DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783
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Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia) | |
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Valentina N. Solovar![]() Doctor of Philology, Principal Researcher of the Department of Khanty Philology of the Ob-Ugric Institute of Applied Researches and Development (Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia) Research InterestsKhanty language, lexicology, semantics, syntax, linguoculturology Brief scientific biographyIn 1983 V. N. Solovar graduated from The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, she completed postgraduate studies at the Institute of Philology of the SB RAS (1996–2000). In 2011 she defended her doctoral dissertation on the theme «The paradigm of a simple sentence in the Khanty language». At present Valentina Nikolayevna is the Principal Researcher of the Department of Khanty Philology of the Ob-Ugric Institute of Applied Researches and Development (Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia). She is the author of more than 130 publications on the Khanty language. She was awarded the honorary title «Honored Worker of Education of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area — Yugra». Selected publicationsSolovar V.N. Paradigma prostogo predlozheniya v khantyyskom yazyke (na materiale kazymskogo dialekta) [The paradigm of a simple sentence in the Khanty language (based on the material of the Kazym dialect)]. Novosibirsk: Lyubava, 2009. 264 p. Solovar V.N. Teoreticheskie voprosy leksikologii i sintaksisa khantyyskogo yazyka: izbrannye trudy [Theoretical issues of lexicology and syntax of the Khanty language: selected works]. Khanty-Mansiysk: Pechatnyy dvor. 2010. 127 p. Solovar V.N., Cheremisina M.I. Vyrazhenie otritsaniya v khantyyskom yazyke [The expression of negation in the Khanty language]. Lingvistica uralica. 1994. № 1. P. 35–46. Solovar V.N. Trekhaktantnye prostye predlozheniya s predikatami-glagolami rechi v kazymskom dialekte khantyyskogo yazyka [Three-act simple sentences with predicates-verbs of speech in the Kazym dialect of the Khanty language]. Bulletin of the Novosibirsk State University. 2007. Vol. 6. P. 44–49. Solovar V.N. Osobennosti semantiki khantyyskikh glagolov s preverbom ara [Features of the semantics of Khanty verbs with the ara preverb]. Bulletin of Ugric Studies. 2018, no. 3. P. 470–478. Solovar V.N. Sposoby vyrazheniya sravneniya v obsko-ugorskikh yazykakh [Ways of expressing comparison in the Ob-Ugric languages]. Bulletin of Ugric Studies. 2019, no. 2. P. 286–296. Solovar V.N. Strukturno-semanticheskie osobennosti khantyyskikh glagolov s preverbami шөпа / шoппи / суппи / соппи / чөпӽә‘popolam’ [Structural and semantic features of Khanty verbs with preverbs shopa / shoppi / suppi / soppi /chopha ’in half’]. Bulletin of Ugric Studies. 2020. Vol. 10, no. 3. P. 534–544. Solovar V.N. Strukturno-semanticheskie osobennosti obsko-ugorskikh glagolov s preverbami хуԓт / хоԓт / хощ / хот [Structural and semantic features of the Ob-Ugric verbs with the preverbs hult / holt / hosch / hot]. Bulletin of Ugric Studies. 2021. Vol. 11, no. 3. P. 493–502. |
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