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DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783
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Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia) | |
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Natalya B. KoshkarevaDoctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of Siberian Languages of the Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Department of General and Russian Linguistics of the Humanities Institute of Novosibirsk State University (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation) ResearcherID: M-2704-2018 Profile at RSCI: 120316 ORCID: 0000-0002-4578-6591 Research InterestsSyntax, phonetics, lexicology and lexicography, grammar, dialectology and folklore of the Uralic languages of Siberia (Khanty and Nenets), Russian syntax and semantics Brief scientific biographyN. B. Koshkareva graduated from the Faculty of Humanities, Novosibirsk State University in 1986. In 1992 she defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of philological sciences (1992, Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; topic — «Constructions with infinite verb forms in the Khanty language»; specialty 10.02.02 — Languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation; scientific adviser — D. Sc. (Philology) Prof. M. I. Cheremisina). In 2008 she defended her doctoral dissertation (2008, Institute of Philology SB RAS; topic — «Typical syntactic structures and their semantics in the Uralic languages of Siberia», specialty 10.02.20 — Comparative-historical, typological and comparative linguistics). From 2008 to the present, she has been the head of the Department of General and Russian Linguistics at the Humanitarian Institute of Novosibirsk State University. Since 2011 — Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission in the Department of General and Russian Linguistics, Novosibirsk State University. N. B. Koshkareva is a member of the Academic Council of the Institute of Philology of the SB RAS, a member of the Dissertation Council (D 003.040.01) for the defense of dissertations for the degree of candidate and doctor of philological sciences (specialty 10.02.20 «Comparative-historical, typological and comparative linguistics») at the Institute of philology SB RAS. N. B. Koshkareva is the executive editor of the scientific periodical «Languages and folklore of the indigenous peoples of Siberia», published by the Institute of Philology of the SB RAS, as well as a member of the editorial board of the journal «Vestnik NSU. Series: Linguistics and Intercultural Communication», «Bulletin of Ugric Studies». Selected publicationsSkazki naroda khanty (sbornik fol’klornykh proizvedeniy) [Tales of the Khanty people (collection of folklore works)]. Saint Petersburg, 1995 (with Solovar V. N., Kovgan E. V.). Obraztsy tekstov na lesnom dialekte nenetskogo yazyka [Samples of texts in the forest dialect of the Nenets language.] Yazyki korennykh narodov Sibiri [Languages of the indigenous peoples of Siberia]. Iss. 7. Part 2. Novosibirsk, 2003. P. 3–91 (with Burkova S. I., Shilova V. V.). Surgutskiy dialekt khantyyskogo yazyka (trom-aganskiy govor) [Surgut dialect of the Khanty language (Trom-Agan dialect).] Yazyki korennykh narodov Sibiri [Languages of the indigenous peoples of Siberia]. Iss. 10. Field materials. Novosibirsk, 2003. P. 107–140. Obraztsy tekstov na surgutskom dialekte khantyyskogo yazyka (trom-aganskiy govor). [Samples of texts in the Surgut dialect of the Khanty language (Trom-Agan dialect)]. Yazyki korennykh narodov Sibiri [Languages of the indigenous peoples of Siberia]. Iss. 13. Expedition materials. Novosibirsk, 2004. P. 104–148. Ocherki po sintaksisu lesnogo dialekta nenetskogo yazyka: Ch. 1. Sintaksicheskiye svyazi. [Essays on the syntax of the forest dialect of the Nenets language: Part 1. Syntactic connections]. Novosibirsk, 2005. O formirovanii lingvisticheskogo landshafta Sibiri (vvedeniye k kollekt. monogr.). [On the formation of the linguistic landscape of Siberia (introduction to the collective monograph)]. Puti formirovaniya lingvisticheskogo landshafta Sibiri [Ways of the formation of the linguistic landscape of Siberia]. Novosibirsk, 2005. p. 3–7 (with Shirobokova N. N., Maltseva A. A., Selyutina I. Ya.). Sposoby vyrazheniya modus-diktumnykh otnosheniy v ural’skikh yazykakh Sibiri (na materiale khantyyskogo i nenetskogo yazykov) [Ways of expressing modus-dictum relations in the Uralic languages of Siberia (based on the Khanty and Nenets languages)]. Puti formirovaniya lingvisticheskogo landshafta Sibiri. [Ways of the formation of the linguistic landscape of Siberia]. Novosibirsk, 2005. Section III. Chap. 4. P. 169–195. Skazki var’yeganskikh khantov (sbornik fol’klornykh proizvedeniy) [Tales of the Varyegan Khanty (collection of folklore works)]. Khanty-Mansiysk: Poligrafist, 2006. Pyashchitan nesha" vacha"my": Rasskazy var’yeganskikh nentsev. Na nenetskom (lesnoy dialekt) i russkom yazykakh. [Pyashchitan nesha" vacha"my«: Stories of the Varyegan Nenets. In Nenets (forest dialect) and Russian.] Khanty-Mansiysk: Poligrafist, 2007. 44 p. (With Burkina S. I., Shilova V. V.). O printsipakh klassifikatsii slozhnogo predlozheniya kak yedinitsy yazyka i rechi (gl. v kollekt. monogr.). Lingvisticheskiye idei V. A. Beloshapkovoy i ikh voploshcheniye v sovremennoy rusistike: kollekt. monogr.[On the principles of classification of a complex sentence as a unit of language and speech (chap. in the collective monograph). Linguistic ideas of V. A. Beloshapkova and their implementation in modern Russian studies: collective monograph]. Ed. L. M. Bayduzh. Tyumen: Mandr i Ka, 2010. P. 68–95. Dialektologicheskiy slovar’ nenetskogo yazyka [Dialectological Dictionary of the Nenets Language]. Ed. N. B. Koskareva. Ekaterinburg: «Basko» publishing house, 2010. 352 p. (With Burkina S. I., Laptander R. I., Yangasova N. M.). Dialektologicheskiy slovar’ khantyyskogo yazyka (shuryshkarskiy i priural’skiy dialekty) [Dialectological dictionary of the Khanty language (Shuryshkar and Ural dialects)] Ed. N. B. Koskareva. Ekaterinburg: «Basko» publishing house, 2011. 208 p. (With Val’gamova S. I., Onina S. V., Shiyanova A. I.). Khanty writing. Khanty-Mansiysk, 2013. Khanty spelling rules. Nemysova E. A., Koshkareva N. B., Solovar V. N. Ed. A. A. Burykin. Khanty-Mansiysk, 2014. Dialektologicheskiy atlas ural’skikh yazykov, rasprostranennykh na territorii Yamalo-nenetskogo avtonomnogo okruga [Dialectological Atlas of the Uralic Languages Spoken in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug]. Koshkareva N. B., Kashkin E. V., Koryakov Yu. B., Kazakevich O. A., Burkova S. I., Murav’yev N. A., Budyanskaya E. M. Department of Science and Innovation of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug; Scientific Center for Arctic Studies; Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Institute of Philology. Kaliningrad, 2017. Slozhnost’ yazykov sibirskogo areala v diakhronno-tipologicheskoy perspektive [The complexity of the languages of the Siberian area in the diachronic-typological perspective]. Bayyr-ool A. V., Koshkareva N. B., Mal’tseva A. A., Nevskaya I. A., Ozonova A. A., Panina E. S., Selyutina I. Ya., Urtegeshev N. S., Fedina N. N., ShagdurovA O. Yu., Shamina L. A., Shirobokova N. N. Novosibirsk, 2018. |
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