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DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783
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Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia) | |
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Vladimir L. Klyaus![]() Doctor of Philology A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature, RAS (Moscow), Head of the Department of Folklore editor-in-chief of the scientific almanac «Traditional Culture» Research InterestsRussian and Slavic folklore, folklore of the indigenous peoples of Siberia; Russian, Belarusian, Udmurt, Telengit, Buryat, Tatar, Besermyan, Karelian, Komi-Permyak, Ulch, Evenk, Chinese, Australian aboriginal folklore traditions.Brief scientific biographyGraduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Far Eastern State University (Vladivostok, 1985), accomplished his postgraduate studies at the Institute of Slavic and Balkan Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1987–1991), doctoral studies at the A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature RAS (1996–2000). Candidate’s dissertation: «Zagovory of the Eastern and Southern Slavs: An Experience in Systematizing Narrative Elements» (1994, scientific supervisor Yu. I. Smirnov). Doctoral dissertation: «The plot of incantatory and zagovor texts of the Slavs and indigenous peoples of Siberia in a comparative (inter-Slavic and Slavic-Siberian) aspect» (2001, scientific consultant Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences V. M. Gatsak). In his research work, Vladimir Klyaus actively uses computer technologies and the methodology of visual anthropology. From 1985 to 2018 as a leader and participant in more than fifty folklore and ethnographic expeditions, he worked in Buryatia, Udmurtia, Karelia, the Komi Republic, the Altai Republic, Kaluga, Smolensk and Tula regions, Transbaikal, Altai, Krasnoyarsk, Primorsky, Khabarovsk and Perm territories, in Altai, in Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Serbia, China, Australia, Uganda where thousands of samples of folklore texts of various genres of Russian, Belarusian, Udmurt, Telengit, Buryat, Tatar, Besermyan, Karelian, Komi-Permyak, Ulch, Evenki, Chinese, Australian aboriginal, Gandhian folklore traditions, video recordings of the rites and customs of these peoples were made. Scientific and organizational activityChairman of the Dissertation Council D.002.209.04 of the A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature, RAS Member of the editorial board of the scientific journal «Studia Litterarum» (01.10.2018) Teaching activityProfessor of the Educational and Scientific Center for Social Anthropology, Russian State University for the Humanities. Scientific publications: more than 200 scientific publications, including 4 monographs.Selected publicationsBooksKlyaus V. L. «Russkoe Trekhrech’e» Man’chzhurii. Ocherki fol’klora i traditsionnoy kul’tury. [«Russian Three Rivers» of Manchuria. Essays on folklore and traditional culture.] Moscow, IMLI RAN, 2015. 384 p. (In Russ.). Klyaus V. L., Supryaga S. V. Pesennyy fol’klor russkoust’intsev Yakutii i semeyskikh Zabaykal’ya: materialy k izucheniyu bytovaniya v inoetnicheskom okruzhenii. [Song folklore of the Russo-Ustya people of Yakutia and the Semeyskys of Transbaikal: materials for the study of existence in a foreign ethnic environment.] Kursk, ROSI, 2006. 183 p. (In Russ.). Klyaus V. L. Syuzhetika zagovorno-zaklinatel’nykh tekstov slavyan i korennykh narodov Sibiri (v sravnitel’nom mezhslavyanskom i slavyano-sibirskom osveshchenii. K postanovke problemy) [The Plot of the Incantatory Texts of the Slavs and Indigenous Peoples of Siberia (in Comparative Inter-Slavic and Slavic-Siberian coverage. On the Statement of the Problem)]. Moscow, Nasledie, 2000. 191 p. (In Russ.). Klyaus V. L. Ukazatel’ syuzhetov i syuzhetnykh situatsiy zagovornykh tekstov vostochnykh i yuzhnykh slavyan. [Index of plots and plot situations of incantatory zagovor texts of the Eastern and Southern Slavs.] Moscow, Nasledie, 1997. 464 p. (In Russ.). ArticlesKlyaus V. L., Chzhao Khaybo. Ob Ivashke: skazka o poshekhontsakh na kitayskom yazyke [About Ivashka: the Tale of the Poshekhons in Chinese language]. Traditsionnaya kul’tura. 2019. Iss. 20. No. 4. Pp. 108–119. (In Russ.). Klyaus V. L. Kitaysko-russkie metisy Trekhrech’ya (KNR): identichnost’ vo vremeni i prostranstve [Sino-Russian half-bloods of the Three Rivers (PRC): identity in time and space]. Istoricheskaya pamyat’ i rossiyskaya identichnost’. V. A. Tishkov, E. A. Pivneva (Eds.). Moscow, 2018. p. 247–289. (In Russ.). Klyaus V. L. Mozhet li «kitayskiy» khorek vselit’sya v russkogo cheloveka? (K probleme transformatsii kitayskikh rasskazov v fol’klornoy traditsii metisov Trekhrech’ya, KNR) [Can a «Chinese» ferret possess a Russian person? (On the problem of transformation of Chinese stories in the folklore tradition of the half-bloods of Three Rivers, PRC)]. Mir zhivotnykh v mifopoeticheskom rakurse. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Slavic Studies, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Institute of World Culture. Vicenza, Moscow, 2017. p. 268–272. (In Russ.). Klyaus V. L., Ostrogskaya A. A. «Skazka» o sozhitel’stve medveditsy i muzhchiny v fol’klore kitayskikh russkikh Trekhrech’ya (KNR) [«Fairytale» about the concubinage of a she-bear and a man in the folklore of the Chinese Russians of Three Rivers (PRC)]. Traditsionnaya kul’tura. 2017. No. 3 (67). Pp. 8–19. (In Russ.). Zakharova N. V., Klyaus V. L., Makhova L. P. Molitvennoe pesnopenie Bogine Chadorodiya [Prayer chant to the Goddess of Childbirth]. Studia Litterarum. 2017. Iss. 2. No. 4. Pp. 290–325. (In Russ.). Klyaus V. L. «Ty menya khochesh’ zamuzh? Nado mene kupit’ kogo — plat’e kupit’!..» (Ob odnom semeynom predanii kitayskikh russkikh Trekhrech’ya, KNR) [«Do you want to marry my? I need me to buy someone — buy a dress!..» (On one family tradition of the Chinese Russians of the Three Rivers, PRC)]. Traditsionnaya kul’tura. 2016. No. 3 (63). Pp. 88–98. (In Russ.). Klyaus V. L. Veshchitsa v mifologicheskikh rasskazakh russkogo naseleniya Priargun’ya [A little thing in the mythological stories of the Russian population of the Argun region]. Traditsionnaya kul’tura. 2016. No. 4 (64). Pp. 123–134. (In Russ.). Klyaus V. L. Ob odnom obychae traditsionnoy russkoy svad’by «Bol’shogo Priargun’ya» [About one custom of the traditional Russian wedding of the «Big Argun region»]. Traditsionnaya kul’tura. 2015. № 4 (60). Pp. 9–17. (In Russ.). Klyaus V. L. «Zhivoy» kamen’ v zagovorno-zaklinatel’nykh tekstakh slavyan i korennykh narodov Sibiri [The "live" stone in the zagovor-incantatory texts of the Slavs and the indigenous peoples of Siberia]. Zhivoy kamen’: ot prirody k kul’ture. L. O. Zayonts ( Eds. and comp.). Moscow, 2015. Pp. 146–153. (In Russ.). Klyaus V. L. Khristianskie sektanty v rasskazakh russko-kitayskikh metisov Trekhrech’ya (KNR) [Christian sectarians in the stories of the Russian-Chinese half-bloods of the Three Rivers (PRC)]. Traditsionnaya kul’tura. 2014. No. 1. Pp. 88–96. (In Russ.). Klyaus V. The Birth and Death of the Russian House in the Priargun’ie Three Rivers Area (PRC). Folklorica. 2014. Vol. XVIII. (In Eng.). Klyaus V. L. Tserkvi Trekhrech’ya [Churches of Three Rivers]. Traditsionnaya kul’tura. 2014. No. 4. Pp. 25–34. (In Russ.). Documentary films«Baba Evga — ukyrskiy pop» [Baba Evga — ukyr priest] (1998) «Skazka babushki Agaf’i» [Grandma Agafya’s fairytale] (2003) «Trekhrech’e... Russkiy mir Kitaya» [Three Rivers... Russian world of China] (2016) Audio and multimedia projectsAudio CD «Songs of Semey Ukyrs» (2001). Reference and bibliographic CD «Traditional culture of the Semey (Old Believers) of Transbaikal 1761–2000» (2001). |
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