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DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783
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Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia) | |
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Aziyana V. Bayyr-ool![]() Candidate of Philology, Senior Researcher, Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation) Research InterestsTurkic languages of Siberia, Tuvan language, Turkish language, grammar, Mongolian languages. ORCID: 0000-0003-2844-2700 Researcher ID: U-3573-2019 Author ID RSCI: 5333-6626 Brief scientific biographyAziyana Bayyr-ool was born on June 14, 1980 in the village Barlyk of the Barun-Khemchik region of the Tuva ASSR. In 2005 she graduated from the Faculty of Humanities of Novosibirsk State University, continued her studies in graduate school and in 2009 she defended her thesis for the degree of Candidate of Philology on the topic «Particles of the Tuvan language formed from existential verbs (in comparison with the Yakut and Khakas languages)». Since 2005 she has been a lecturer at Novosibirsk State University, since 2009 she has been working as a researcher in the Department of the Languages of the Peoples of Siberia at the Institute of Philology of the SB RAS (Novosibirsk). In 2018–2019 Aziyana Bayyr-ool taught Tuvan and Khakass languages at the Department of Modern Turkic Languages and Literatures of Istanbul University (Turkey). She holds the position of executive secretary of the journal «Languages and folklore of the indigenous peoples of Siberia» (since 2020). Selected publicationsBayyr-ool A. V., Golovaneva T. A., Ozonova A. A., Tazranova A. R., Tiron E. L., Tyuntesheva E. V., Fedina N. N., Shagdurova O. Yu., Shakhov P. S., Shulbaeva N. V. Yazyki i fol’klor narodov Sibiri i Dal’nego Vostoka v rukopisnykh tekstakh serediny XX — nachala XXI veka. [Languages and folklore of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East in handwritten texts of the middle of the XX — beginning of the XXI century]. Eds. T. A. Golovaneva, N. N. Fedina; Russian academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Institute of Philology. Novosibirsk: Academic publishing house «Geo», 2020. 448 p. Bayyr-ool A. V., Koshkareva N. B., Mal’tseva A. A., Nevskaya I. A., Ozonova A. A., Panina E. S., Selyutina I. Ya., Urtegeshev N. S., Fedina N. N., Shagdurova O. Yu., Shamina L. A., Shirobokova N. N. Slozhnost’ yazykov sibirskogo areala v diakhronno-tipologicheskoy perspektive [The complexity of the languages of the Siberian area in the diachronic-typological perspective]. Ed. A.A. Mal’tseva; Russian academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Institute of Philology. Novosibirsk: Academic publishing house «Geo», 2020. 422 p. Bayyr-ool A. V., Dobrinina A. A., Ozonova A. A., Tazranova A. R., Tyuntesheva E. V., Fedina N. N., Shagdurova O. Yu., Shirobokova N. N. Materialy k sravnitel’nomu slovaryu glagol’noy leksiki tyurkskikh yazykov Sayano-Altaya. [Materials for the comparative dictionary of the verb vocabulary of the Turkic languages of Sayano-Altai]. Eds. N. N. Shirobokova, O. Yu. Shagdurova. Novosibirsk: publishing house «Omega Print», 2013. Vildan Koçoglu Gündogdu, Aziyana Bayyr-ool. Tuvans and Tuvan language. Endangered Turkic Languages II B: Case Studies. Ed. Süer Eker & Ülkü ?elik Savk. Ankara-Astana, 2016. Vol. 3. P. 479–505. Tyuntesheva E. V., Ozonova A. A., Shagdurova O. Yu., Bayyr-ool A. V. Leksika, reprezentiruyushchaya ponyatie «dusha» v yuzhnosibirskikh tyurkskikh yazykakh. [Vocabulary representing the notion of «soul» in the South Siberian Turkic languages]. Yazyk i kul’tura. [Language and culture]. 2020. no 52. p. 85–109. Bayyr-ool A. V. O sluzhebnom slove sug v tuvinskom yazyke [On the function word sug in the Tuvan language]. Yazyki i fol’klor korennykh narodov Sibiri [Languages and folklore of the indigenous peoples of Siberia]. 2019. no 2 (38). p. 73–77. |
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