“Yazyki i fol’klor korennykh narodov Sibiri” (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia) | Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Языки и фольклор коренных народов Сибири
(Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia)
ISSN 2712-9608 [16+]
Учредитель Институт филологии СО РАН
Сетевое издание
Для лингвистов, фольклористов, этномузыковедов и специалистов
по истории и культуре народов Сибири и сопредельных регионов
DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337
Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783 
Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia)
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Editorial Office Address: Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the RAS. 8 Nikolaeva St, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation.

Mira V. Bavuu-Syuryun

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Tuvan Philology and General Linguistics of the Tuvan State University (Kyzyl, Russian Federation), Leading Researcher оf the Scientific and Applied Department of the Center for the Development of Tuvan Traditional Culture and Crafts (Kyzyl, Russian Federation)

Research Interests

Dialectology, morphology, sociolinguistics, linguo-folkloristics, corpus linguistics, computational linguistics.

ORCID 0000-0002-7456-7339

Author ID RSCI: 636935

Brief scientific biography

M. V. Bavuu-Syuryun graduated from Kyzyl State Pedagogical Institute in 1979. She defended her candidate’s thesis on the topic «Attributive constructions in the Tuvan language» at the Institute of Linguistics, Kazakh Academy of Sciences in 1988 and in 2018 — her doctoral dissertation «History of Formation of Tuvan Dialects and Subdialects» at the Institute of Philology SB RAS in 2018. Six candidate degree dissertations have been defended under M. V. Bavuu-Syuryun’s guidance. She is the author of more than 150 scientific papers, including monographs and textbooks.

She is a member of the Russian Committee of Turkologists, the International Association for Mongolian Studies since 2011. Member of the editorial boards of the journals: «Problems of Dialectology» (Ufa), «Vestnik of NEFU: Altaistics» (Yakutsk), «Languages and Folklore of the Indigenous Peoples of Siberia» (Novosibirsk).

M. Bavuu-Syuryun was awarded the G. N. Volkov Medal in Ethnopedagogy (2013), the title of Honored Scientist of the Republic of Tyva (2021). She is an Honorary Worker of Education of the Russian Federation (2009), Honorary Worker of Education of Mongolia (2015). She is a winner of the Award of the Assembly of Peoples of the Russian Federation «Pride of the Nation» in 2020 in the nomination «For contribution to the preservation and development of native languages».

Selected publications

Bavuu-Syuryun M. V. Struktura zaimstvovaniy v tuvinskom yazyke [The structure of borrowings in the Tuvan language]. Kyzyl: Tuv. Publ. House. 2012. 126 p.

Bavuu-Syuryun M. V. Sovremennye slovoobrazovatel'nye protsessy, obuslovlennye yazykovymi kontaktami (na materiale tuvinskogo yazyka) [The modern word-formative processes conditioned by language contacts (based on the Tuvan language)]. Siberian Journal of Philology. 2015, no 2., pp. 114—123.

Bavuu-Syuryun M. V. K voprosu ob imenovanii i klassifikatsii Sayanskikh tyurkskikh yazykov [On the question of naming and classification of the Sayan Turkic languages]. European Social Science Journal. 2014. #8470;11—1 (50). P. 137—140.

Bavuu-Syuryun M. V. O fenomene yazykovogo povedeniya shamanov-tuvintsev Mongolii [About the phenomenon of linguistic behavior of Tuvan shamans of Mongolia]. Siberian Journal of Philology. 2013, no 1., pp. 237—240.

Bavuu-Syuryun M. V. O faringalizatsii v dialektakh tuvinskogo yazyka [About pharyngalization in the dialects of the Tuvan language]. Siberian Journal of Philology. 2012, no 3., pp. 153—158.

Bavuu-Syuryun M. V. Otrazhenie dialektnogo chleneniya tuvinskogo yazyka v fol'klornykh tekstakh [Reflection of the dialect division of the Tuvan language in folklore texts]. Siberian Journal of Philology. 2011, no 4., pp. 163—172.

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