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Languages and Folklore of
Digital network scientific journal Indigenous Peoples of Siberia For specialists in literature and folklor |
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DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783
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Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia) | |
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ArticleName: n the terms denoting the five kinds of livestock in the Oka subdialect of the Buryat language (compared with Mongolian cognates) Authors: A. V. Mazarchuk Institute for Linguistic Studies RAS, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation In the section Лексикология
Abstract: The article addresses the terms denoting the five kinds of livestock animals of different ages and sex in the Oka subdialect of the Buryat language. The semantics of these terms is compared with that of their Khalkha cognates, paying attention to the Oka and Khalkha livestock naming systems as a whole. The linguistic materials were collected during fieldwork conducted in the Okinsky District of the Republic of Buryatia in 2022. The Oka speakers were found to employ a method of counting the age of an animal that aligns with the traditional Russian approach, which differs from the Mongol tradition of adding the duration of pregnancy to the age of the animal as a year, regardless of the actual length of the pregnancy. As a result, the animals designated as one-year-olds in Oka and two-year-olds in Khalkha, two-year-olds in Oka and three-year-olds in Khalkha, and so on, are essentially of the same age. Moreover, the semantics of certain terms in Oka and Khalkha may not be entirely consistent. For example, the word spelled in Mongolian as teke (from the Old Turkic tekä) means ‘wild goat’ in Khalkha and ‘stud goat’ in Oka. The Oka livestock naming system has fewer terms than the Khalkha system. Consequently, the Khalkha classification of livestock is more detailed. It can be supposed that the reasons for the latter fact may be rooted in the distinctive lifestyle of Oka speakers, which differs considerably from that of Mongols. Keywords: cattle-breeding vocabulary, Mongolic, Buryat, Oka subdialect, fieldwork Bibliography: Badmatsyrenova S. V. Leksika traditsionnogo khozyaystva okinskikh buryat i soyotov v sopostavlenii s mongol’skoy [Oka Buryat and Soyot traditional household vocabulary compared with Mongolian]. Cand. philol. sci. diss. Ulan-Ude, 2006. (In Russ.) Battulga Ch. Amar baina uu? Mongol oron sudlalyn unshih bichig [How do you do? A textbook on country studies of Mongolia]. Ulaanbaatar, 2006, 125 p. (In Mong.) Golstunskiy K. F. Mongol’sko-russkiy slovar’, sostavlenniy professorom S.-Peterburgskogo universiteta K. F. Golstunskim [A Mongolian-Russian dictionary compiled by a professor of St.-Petersburg University K. F. Golstunskiy]. St. Petersburg, 1893, vol. 3, 491 p. (In Mong., In Russ.) Mongol khelnii tailbar toli [Mongolian dictionary]. Ulaanbaatar, Monsudar, 2011, 1890 p. (In Mong.). Mongol nuudelchdiin tailbar toli [Mongolian Nomadic encyclopedia]. Ulaanbatar, Monsudar, 2014, 611 p. (In Mong.). Mongol oros toli [Mongolian-Russian dictionary]. A. Luvsandendev (Ed.). Moscow, 1957, 715 p. (In Mong., In Rus.). Mostaert A. Dictionnaire Ordos par Antoine Mostaert. C.I.C.M. 2nd ed. A–Ž. Tables Alphabétiques. New-York, London, 1968, 951 p. Rassadin V. I. Leksicheskie osobennosti govora okinskikh buryat [Special features of the Oka subdialect lexis]. In: Leksiko-frazeologicheskoe svoeobrazie buryatskogo yazyka [Lexical-phraseological diversity of the Buryat language]. Ulan-Ude, 1985, pp. 3–20. (In Russ.) Rassadin V. I. Osobennosti zvukovogo stroya yazyka okinskikh buryat i soyotov [Special phonetic features of the language spoken by Oka Buryats and Soyots]. In: Zvukovoy stroy mongol’skikh yazykov [Mongol languages phonetics]. Ulan-Ude, 1989, pp. 50–73. (In Russ.) Rassadin V. I. O tyurkskom vliyanii na slozhenie kompleksa skotovodcheskoy leksiki mongol’skikh yazykov [Turkic influence on the formation of cattle breeding vocabulary of the Mongolic languages]. In: Uchenye zapiski ZabGGPU. Seriya: Filologiya, istoriya, vostokovedenie [Scholarly notes of Transbaikal state university. Series: Phylology, history, oriental studies]. Chita, 2009, pp. 158–164. (In Russ.) Rassadin V. I. Promyslovaya leksika v govore okinskikh buryat [Cropping vocabulary of the Oka buryats’ subdialect]. In: Dialektnaya leksika v mongol’skikh yazykakh [Dialectal lexis in the Mongolic languages]. Ulan-Ude, 1987, pp. 3–19. (In Russ.) Rassadin V. I. Tyurko-mongol’skie nazvaniya krupnogo i melkogo rogatogo skota v khalha-mongol’skom yazyke [Turkic-Mongolian names of neat and small cattle in the Khalkha Mongolian language]. Oriental Studies. 2015, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 107–111. (In Russ.). Rassadin V. I., Tsyrenova D. B. Leksika material’noy kul’tury okinskikh soyotov [Material culture vocabulary of the Oka Soyots]. In: Problemy buryatskoy dialektologii [Problems of Buryat dialectology]. Ulan-Ude, 1996, pp. 58–99. (In Russ.). Rassadin V. I. Zhivotnovodcheskaya leksika v yazyke okinskikh buryat i soyotov [Livestock farming vocabulary in the language spoken by Oka Buryats and Soyots]. In: Problemy buryatskoy dialektologii [Problems of Buryat dialectology]. Ulan-Ude, 1996, pp. 45–57. (In Russ.) Tsevel Ya. Mongol khelnii tovch tailbar toli [A concise Mongolian dictionary]. Ulaanbaatar, 1966, 911 p. (In Mong.) Zhukovskaya N. L. Kategorii i simvolika traditsionnoy kul’tury mongolov [Categories and symbols in the traditional culture of Mongols]. Moscow, 1988, 194 p. (In Russ.) |
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