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Languages and Folklore of
Digital network scientific journal Indigenous Peoples of Siberia For specialists in literature and folklor |
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DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783
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Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia) | |
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ArticleName: Scientific edition of the epic in Buryat folklore: a new book of uligers Authors: Kuz'mina E. N. Institute of Philology of the SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation In the section Фольклорный текст: комментирование и эдиция
Abstract: Translating national folklore texts into Russian is an integral part of modern traditional practice. Texts that are not translated miss out on the opportunity to reach a wide audience and cannot make a substantial impact in the realm of science. It is essential to accurately express the allegorical significance of myths in translations included in scientific publications. Of crucial importance are comments that provide explanations of ethnographic and linguistic features, which may need to be clarified to non-native readers. Buryat scholars have gained valuable experience in this area. The heroic tales of the Buryats recorded by Ts. Zh. Zhamtsarano, the prominent scholar and collector, were published by him in the Buryat language. The stories were republished in renowned academic series, such as “The Epic of the Peoples of Eurasia” and “Monuments of Folklore of the Peoples of Siberia and the Far East,” with a renewed comprehension of the content and incorporating the advancements in Buryat epic editing and publishing domain. The book “The Buryat Heroic Epic” by N. N. Nikolaeva has been meticulously prepared to meet contemporary standards for translation, commentary, and the compilation of scholarly reference material. The book is notable for its elevated scientific standard, exemplified by the excellent translations of the tales into Russian and the inclusion of detailed comments. Nevertheless, the translator has not fully accomplished the task of always keeping in mind the poetic conventions (loci communes) in this specific text. Keywords: Buryat epic, translation into Russian, scientific edition Bibliography: Abay Geser. A. I. Ulanov (Intr., text prep., transl., and comment.). Ulan-Ude, 1960, 313 p. (In Buryat, In Russ.) Abay Geser-khubun. Epopeya (ekhirit-bulagatskiy variant) [Epic (Ekhirit-Bulagat variant)]. M. P. Khomonov (Text prep., transl., and comment). Ulan-Ude, 1961, pt. I, 230 p. Ulan-Ude, 1964; pt. II: Oshor Bogdo i Khurin Altay. M. P. Khomonov (Text prep., transl., and comment). 232 p. (In Buryat, In Russ.) Alieva A. I. Dvuyazychnaya akademicheskaya seriya “Epos narodov SSSR” [Bilingual academic series “The Epic of the Peoples of the USSR”]. In Nauchnyy al’manakh. Traditsionnaya kul’tura [Scientific almanac. Traditional culture]. 2008, vol. 9, no. 3 (31), pp. 41–64; no. 4 (32), pp. 51–63. (In Russ.) Altay baatyrlar. Turguskan kizhi S. S. Surazakov. Gorno-Altaysk, 1958, 276 p. (In Altai) Altayskie bogatyri. Altayskiy geroicheskiy epos [Altai heroes. Altai heroic epic]. Gorno-Altaisk, 2013, 437 p. (In Altai, In Russ.) Altayskie bogatyri. Altayskiy geroicheskiy epos [Altai heroes. Altai heroic epic]. Gorno-Altaisk, 2018, vol. I, 687 p.; 2016, vol. II, 797 p.; 2018, vol. III, 975 p.; 2018, vol. IV, 607 p. (In Altai, In Russ.) Ayduray Mergen. M. P. Khomonov (Text prep., transl., and comment). Ulan-Ude, Buryat. kn. izd., 1979, 126 p. (In Buryat, In Russ.) Burchina D. A. Geroicheskiy epos unginskikh buryat: Ukazatel’ proizvedeniy i ikh variantov [The Heroic Epic of the Unga Buryats: An index of works and their variants]. Novosibirsk, Nauka, 2007, 544 p. (In Russ.) Buryatskiy geroicheskiy epos [The Buryat Heroic Epic]. M. I. Tulokhonov (Comp.). Novosibirsk, Nauka, 1991, 312 p. (Pamyatniki fol’klora narodov Sibiri i Dal’nego Vostoka [Monuments of folklore of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East]). (In Russ.) Buryatskiy geroicheskiy epos “Khүylen khүkhe mor’toy Khүkheldey Mergen khүbүүn”. “Khүkherdey mergen” [The Buryat heroic epic “Huylen huhe mortoi Huhelday Mergen khubuun.” “Huherday mergen”]. N. N. Nikolaeva (Sci. transl., foreword, comment., notes, dict. of untransl. words), B. - Kh. B. Tsybikova (Correction of the Buryat text, ed. of the transl.). Ulan-Ude, “Respublikanskaya tipografiya” Publ., 2022, 360 p. (In Buryat, In Russ.) Erensey. M. P. Khomonov (Text prep., transl., and comment). Ulan-Ude, Buryat. kn. izd., 1968, 207 p. (In Burya, In Russ.) Khomonov M. P. Osnovnye problemy izucheniya poeticheskogo tvorchestva narodov Sibiri i Dal’nego Vostoka: doklady, soobshcheniya i vystupleniya uchastnikov Konferentsiy po izucheniyu poeticheskogo tvorchestva narodov Sibiri i Dal’nego Vostoka, 14–19 dekabrya, 1959 g. [Basic problems of the study of poetic creativity of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East: reports, reports and speeches of the participants of the Conferences on the study of poetic creativity of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East, December 14–19, 1959]. Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 1961, 175 p. (In Russ.) Kuz’mina E. N. Ukazatel’ tipicheskikh mest geroicheskogo eposa narodov Sibiri (altaytsev, buryat, tuvintsev, khakasov, shortsev, yakutov) [Index of typical places of the heroic epic of the peoples of Siberia (Altaians, Buryats, Tuvinians, Khakas, Shors, Yakuts)]. Exp. ed. Institute of Philology SB RAS. Novosibirsk, SB RAS, 2005, 1383 p. (In Altai, In Buryat, In Russ., In Tuvan, In Khak., In Shor, InYakut) Obraztsy narodnoy literatury tyurkskikh plemen Yuzhnoy Sibiri i Dzungarskoy stepi [Samples of folk literature of the Turkic tribes of Southern Siberia and the Dzungarian steppe.]. Collected by V. V. Radlov. St. Petersburg, 1866, 419 p. Printsipy i poryadok podgotovki tomov serii “Pamyatniki fol’klora narodov Sibiri i Dal’nego Vostoka” [Principles and procedure for the preparation of volumes of the series “Monuments of folklore of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East”]. 2nd ed., rev. and suppl. Novosibirsk, 2003, 20 p. (In Russ.) Tulokhonov M. I. Buryatskiy geroicheskiy epos “Geser” [Buryat heroic epic “Geser”]. In Abay Geser Moguchiy. Buryatskiy geroicheskiy epos [Mighty Abai Gesar. The Buryat Heroic Epic]. Moscow, Vost. lit., 1995, 526 p. (Epos narodov Evrazii [Epos of the Peoples of Eurasi]). (In Buryat, In Russ.) |
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