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Languages and Folklore of
Digital network scientific journal Indigenous Peoples of Siberia For specialists in literature and folklor |
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DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783
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Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia) | |
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ArticleName: The tale about a greedy mouse in the folklore of the Northern Khanty Authors: G. E. Soldatova Institute of Philology of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation In the section Этномузыковедение
Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of samples of Khanty folklore, united by a plot about a greedy mouse. The material was found in open sources of the Internet and in publications. The study included 16 samples, 13 of them were provided with audio recording, 11 were performed with singing. The author has completed a description and com- parison of plots, clarified the genre of the texts, described and schematically notated the melodies, compared the melodies with each other, compared the melodies and plots. As a result, two main plots were identified: «The Swallowed Mouse» and «Bursting Belly». Of the 16 samples, four relate to song genres, 12 – to fairy tales that are told or sung. Comparison of the lyrics and melodies showed that the plot “Bursting Belly” is constantly combined with melody number 1. Melodies of fairy tales and songs about the mouse have a number of features in common. They are distinguished by a one-line structure (two isotemporal half-lines), the presence of rhythmic formulas, the predominance of a five-step diatonic. Rhythmic-melodic clichés from the tales of the greedy mouse are also characteristic of the mythoepic songs (stories about the bear) of the Bear-Feast. A historical analogy is found for the only fairytale melody that differs from the others. This is a close version of the mouse song melody from the performance at the Vogul Bear-Feast. The melody was recorded by A. Kannisto on a phonograph at the beginning of the 20th century, the score was made and published by A. Väisänen in 1937. Keywords: Khanty, plots of tales, a plot about a greedy mouse, electronic resources on folklore, folklore of the Ob Ugrians, ethnomusicology Bibliography: Kaksina E. D. (Comp.) Өkhәt yukhan arәӈ imi. Poyushchaya zhenshchina iz Ekht Yugana [Singing woman from Eht Yugan]. Tyumen, Format, 2014, 128 p. (In Khanty, in Russ.). Kannisto A., Liimola M. Dramaticheskie predstavleniya na medvezh’em prazdnike mansi. Perevod s nemetskogo yazyka i publikatsiya N. V. Lukinoy [Dramatic performances at the Mansi Bear-Feast. Translation from German and publication by N. V. Lukina]. Khanty-Mansiysk, Pechatnyy mir g. Khanty-Mansiysk, 2016, 242 p. (In Russ.). Moldanov T., Moldanova T. Bogi zemli Kazymskoy [Gods of the Kazym land]. Tomsk, TSU Publ., 2000, 112 p. (In Khanty, in Russ.). Nemysova E. A., Koshkareva N. B., Solovar V. N. Pravila khantyyskoy orfografii: spravochnik [The rules of the Khanty orthography: Textbook]. A. A. Burykin (Ed.). Khanty-Mansiysk, Yugorskiy format, 2014, 164 p. (In Khanty, in Russ.). Soldatova G. E. Zakonomernosti vremennoj organizacii instrumental’nyh naigryshej mansi [Regularities of temporal organization of Mansi instrumental tunes]. Muzykovedenie [Musicology]. 2015, no.7, pp. 26–35. (In Russ.). Soldatova G. E. Muzyka v severo-khantyyskikh skazkakh [Music in Northern Khanty Folktales]. Siberian Journal of Philology, 2020, no. 4, pp. 41–62. (In Russ.). Soldatova G. E. Personal’nye miforitual’nye naigryshi v kul’ture obskikh ugrov [Personal mythic-ritual tunes in the culture of the Ob-Ugrians]. Traditsionnaya kul’tura [Traditional culture], 2021, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 27–38. (In Russ.). Schmidt E. Bear Cult and Mythology of the Northern Ob-Ugrians. Uralic Mythology and folklore. Bdp., Hels., 1989, pp. 187–232. Shmidt E., Pyatnikova T. R. Arӑӈ mon’shchӑt (mon’shch-arӑt). Pesni-skazki [Arang monschat (monsh-arat). The songs-folktales]. Tomsk, TSU Publ., 2006, 164 p. (In Khanty, in Russ.). Slepenkova R. K. (Сomp.) Arєm-mon’shchєm eӆ ki mӑnӆ... Esli moya pesnya-skazka dal’she poydet... [Arem-monshchem el ki manl... If my Song-Folktale goes further...]. Khanty-Mansiysk: IITs YuGU, 2010. 234 p. (In Khanty, in Russ.). Synskie khanty [The Synya Khanty]. G. A. Aksyanova, A. V. Baulo, E. V. Perevalova, E. Ruttkai-Miklian, Z. P. Sokolova, G. E. Soldatova, N. M. Taligina, E. I. Tylikova, N. V. Fedorova (Comps). Novosibirsk, IAET SB RAS, 2005, 352 p. (In Russ., in Khanty). Wogulische und Ostjakisсhe Melodien. Phonographisсh aufgenommen von A. Kannisto, K. F. Karjalainen; Herausgegeben von A. O. Väisänen. Helsinki, 1937, 378 p. (Mémoires de la Société Finno-Ougrienne, vol. LXXIII). |
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ИФЛ СО РАН 630090, Новосибирск, ул. Николаева, 8 тел./факс: 8-(383)330-15-18, ifl@philology.nsc.ru |
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