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Languages and Folklore of
Digital network scientific journal Indigenous Peoples of Siberia For specialists in literature and folklor |
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DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783
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Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia) | |
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ArticleName: Surgut Khanty vowel system based on electromagnetic articulography data Authors: T. V. Timkin Institute of Philology of the SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation In the section Фонетика
Abstract: The paper deals with the quality features of Surgut Khanty vowels obtained by an electromagnetic articulography experiment with one native speaker of the dialect. During the experiment, coordinates of the sensors placed on the speaker’s tongue and lips were tracked with an electromagnetic field. In total, approximately 350 isolated phonetic words were recorded. The coordinates of the tongue sensor placed on the dorsum and the interlabial distance calculated from the data of two sensors on the lower and upper lips were used for the analysis. The articulography data confirm some observations made earlier with audition and acoustic techniques: there are mid-row vowels (/ɨː/ and some allophones of /ʉ/, /ɘ/, /ʊː/), mid-closed vowels (/ɘ/, /o/, /oː/), and mid-open vowels (/ɛ/, /ɔ/, /ɔː/) in the dialect. It has been shown that when using the proposed sensor displacement, the horizontal coordinate is informative for the vowel row, the vertical coordinate correlates with the vowel openness, and the interlabial distance corresponds to the openness and the rounding. At the same time, the displacement used was found to be not always indicative for distinguishing the low and low-open vowels and pharyngeal features. Keywords: Khanty language, Surgut dialect, vowels, experimental phonetics, Carstens AG500 Bibliography: >Boersma P., Weenink D. Praat: doing phonetics by computer [Computer program]. Version 6.1.16, http://www.praat.org/. (retrieved: 15.11.2021) Chepregi M. Surgutskiy dialekt khantyyskogo yazyka [Surgut dialect of Khanty]. Khanty-Mansiysk, 2016, 180 p. (In Russ.). Fejes L. On the vowel system of Surgut Khanty. In: Papers from the Mókus Conference. Budapest, 2008, pр. 61–79. Honti L. 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