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Languages and Folklore of
Digital network scientific journal Indigenous Peoples of Siberia For specialists in literature and folklor |
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DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783
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Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia) | |
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ArticleName: The conditional mood in the Chalkan language Authors: N. N. Fedina Institute of Philology of the SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation In the section Морфология
Abstract: This paper describes the conditional mood in the Chalkan language, which is expressed via the affix =zа (=zï) and can be formed in two ways: simple one when the =za form is attached to the stem of a simple verb; analytical one when the main verb is formed by various tense forms, and the verb pol= “to be” is used as an auxiliary verb in the form of =zа conditional mood. Such verbs may serve as finite predicates in simple sentences and predicates in subordinate clauses in complex sentences. As finite predicates in simple sentences, conditional mood markers may possess the meaning of de- sire to commit an action. However, the action tends to remain just a desire or regret of failure to perform the action. Verbs in the form of conditional mood as predicates in subordinate clauses in complex sentences express the conditionality of completing the action. If one event takes place, another one may also happen. The =zа form expresses the alternative ways of completing the action. The negative form of the conditional mood is formed by adding the negative affix =vа to the verb stem. In analytical verbal constructions, the negative form is added to the main verb, and the personal and conditional affixes are added to the auxiliary verb. Negative verbal constructions in the conditional form as a predicate of the subordinate clauses in complex sentences express the semantics of conditionality. The negative construction denotes the condition. If the action was not committed or is not to be committed, something has to be done to fulfill the condition. Keywords: Chalkan language, conditional mood, =zа affix, the verb Bibliography: Baskakov N. A. Severnye dialekty altayskogo (oyrotskogo) yazyka. Dialekt lebedinskikh tatar-chalkantsev (kuu – kizhi) [Northern dialects of the Altai (Ourot) language. Dialect of Lebedin Chalkan Tatars (Kuu-Kyzy)]. Moscow, Nauka, 1985, 233 p. (In Russ.). Cheremisina M. I. Teoreticheskie problemy sintaksisa i leksikologii yazykov raznykh sistem [Theoretical problems of syntax and lexicology of languages of different systems]. Novosibirsk, Nauka, 2004, 896 p. (in Russ.). Fedina N. N., Shirobokova N. N. Foneticheskie i morfologicheskie osobennosti chalkanskogo yazyka [Phonetic and Morphological Traits of the Chalkan Language]. Novosibirsk, Akademizdat, 2019, 188 p. (in Russ.). Grammatika sovremennogo yakutskogo literaturnogo yazyka. Fonetika i morfologiya [Grammar of the modern Yakut literary language. Phonetics and morphology]. Moscow, 1982. (In Russ.). Shamina L. A. Analiticheskie grammaticheskie formy i konstruktsii v funktsii skazuemogo v tuvinskom yazyke [Analytical grammatical forms and constructions in the predicate function in the Tuvan language]. Novosibirsk, 2010, 240 p. (in Russ.). Strukturnye tipy sinteticheskikh polipredikativnykh konstruktsiy v yazykakh raznykh sistem [Structural types of synthetic polypredicative constructions in languages of different systems.]. Novosibirsk, Nauka, 1986, 319 p. (In Russ.). Tazhibaeva S. Zh. Kauzal’nye polipredikativnye konstruktsii kazakhskogo yazyka (sopostavitel’nyy aspekt) [Causal polypredicative constructions of the Kazakh language (comparative aspect)]. Novosibirsk, 2001, 271 p. (in Russ.). Tazranova A. R. Forma na =za v altayskom yazyke [The Form with =ZA in the Altai Language]. Vestnik of Novosibirsk State University. Series: “History and Philology” . 2019, vol. 18, no. 9: Philology, pp. 65–77. (In Russ.). Yazyki i fol’klor narodov Sibiri i Dal’nego Vostoka v rukopisnykh tekstakh serediny 20 – nachala 21 veka [Languages and folklore of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East in handwritten texts of the middle 20th – early 21st centuries]. T. A. Golovaneva, N. N. Fedina (Eds.). Novosibirsk, Academic Publ. “Geo”, 2020, 448 p. (in Russ.). |
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