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Languages and Folklore of
Digital network scientific journal Indigenous Peoples of Siberia For specialists in literature and folklor |
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DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783
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Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia) | |
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ArticleName: The Role of the Folklore Sector in the Formation and Replenishment of the Manuscript Collection of Khakass Research Institute of Language, Literature and History (to the 75th anniversary of the Institute) Authors: N. S. Chistobaeva In the section История науки
Abstract: The article gives a brief overview of the results of the research and scientific contribution of the folklore sector’s staff members to the formation and replenishment of the manuscript collection of Khakass Research Institute of Lan-guage, Literature and History. The research activity of the folklore sector is important in preservation and revival of Khakass culture – its language, history, traditions and art. Scientific expeditions contributed to the origin and develop-ment of the Khakass folklore. The pre-revolutionary period of the Khakass folklore is associated with the names of ear-ly researchers of history, ethnography of the Khakass people. An active study of the Khakass folklore begins in the 20th century, primarily due to the opening of KhakRILLH. in 1944. In 1945 the first expedition on folklore and language was organized. The staff of the institute collected a huge fund of folklore texts: heroic legends, tales, myths, legends, traditions, proverbs, sayings, riddles, recordings of live speech of different dialects. The replenishment of the manuscript collection with folklore materials was also contributed by the holding of re-gional contests “Aitys”. The opening of the folklore sector in 1994, marked a new stage in the systematic collection of empirical material from experts of oral folk art. Research work of the members of the folklore sector solve urgent prob-lems of the Khakass folklore. A purposeful study of the monuments of oral folk art for familiarization with the cultural traditions, customs and history of the Khakass people contributes to the implementation of the tasks which are set for the sector. Keywords: folklore, expeditions, textual analysis, translation of texts, scientific systematization, classifications of folklore material, customs and traditions Bibliography: Alekseev N. A., Soldatova G. E. O kompleksnoj fol`klorno-e`tnograficheskoj e`kspedicii 2001 g. [On the integrated folklore-ethnographic expedition of 2001]. Gumanitarny`e nauki v Sibiri [Humanitarian sciences in Siberia]. 2002, no. 3, pp. 110–111. (In Russ.) Chernov B. P. O fiziologii mexanizma tuvinskogo i xakasskogo gortannogo peniya [On the physiology of the mechanism of Tuvan and Khakass guttural singing]. Problemy` xakasskogo fol`klora [Problems of Khakass folklore]. Abakan, 1982, pp. 87–94. (In Russ.) Majnogasheva V. E. Otchet o fol`klorny`x e`kspediciyax XakNIIYaLI 1979–1981 gg. [Report on folklore expeditions of KhakRILLH in 1979–1981s]. In: Problemy` xakasskogo fol`klora [Problems of Khakass folklore]. Abakan, 1982, pp. 150–159. (In Russ.) Muzy`kal`noe tvorchestvo xakasov [Khakass Musical Work]. Recorded by A. A. Kenel`. Abakan, Xakas. kn. izd-vo, 1955, pp. 4–13. (In Russ.) Obrazcy narodnoj literatury` tyurkskix plemen [Samples of folk literature of Turkic peoples]. St. Petersburg, 1885. Pt. 5: Narechiya dikokamenny`x kirgizov [Dialects of wild-stoned Kyrgyz]. 492 p. (In Russ.) Obrazcy narodnoj literatury` tyurkskix plemen, izdanny`e V. Radlovy`m [Samples of folk literature of Turkic peoples, published by V. Radlov]. St. Petersburg, 1907. Pt. 9: Narechiya uryanxajcev (sojotov), abakanskix tatar i karagasov. Teksty`, sobranny`e i perevedenny`e N. F. Katanovy`m [Dialects of the Uryankhayts (Soyots), Abakan Tatars and Karagas. Texts compiled and translated by N. F. Katanov]. 668 p. (In Russ.) Obrazcy narodnoj literatury` tyurkskix plemen, zhivushhix v Yuzhnoj Sibiri i Dzhungarskoj stepi [Samples of folk literature of Turkic peoples living in Southern Siberia and Djungarian steppe]. St. Petersburg, 1868. Pt. 2: Narechiya tyurkskix plemen, zhivushhix v Yuzhnoj Sibiri i Dzhungarskoj stepi [Dialects of Turkic peoples populating the Southern Siberia and Junggar step]. 749 p. (In Russ.) Troyakov P. A. Prazdnik masterov ustno-poe`ticheskogo tvorchestva [The Festival of Connoisseurs of Oral and Poetic Creativity]. Ucheny`e zapiski XakNIIYaLI [Proceedings of KhakRILLH]. 1970, iss. 15, pp. 106–108. (in Russ.) Troyakov P. A. Slety` skazitelej i pevczov [Conventions of storytellers and singers]. Ucheny`e zapiski XakNIIYaLI [Proceedings of KhakRILLH]. 1960, iss. 8, pp. 211–225. (In Russ.)Ungviczkaya M. A. Xakasskij narodny`j tahpah [Khakass folk tahpah]. In: Xakasskie narodnye tahpahi [Khakass folk tahpahs]. Sost. M. A. Ungviczkaya. Abakan, Xakas. otdelenie Krasnoyar. kn. izd-va, 1980, pp. 5–20. (In Russ.) Zamechaniya o bogatyrskix poemax minusinskix tyurkov (Enisejskaya guberniya) [Remarks on the heroic poems of the Minusinsk Turks (Yenisei Province)]. Comp. N. F. Katanov. St. Petersburg, 1885, 8 p. (In Russ.) |
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