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Languages and Folklore of
Digital network scientific journal Indigenous Peoples of Siberia For specialists in literature and folklor |
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DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783
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Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia) | |
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ArticleName: Verbal forms on -i(r) in the Khakass language Authors: I. L. Kyzlasova, K. V. Kicheeva In the section Морфология
Abstract: In article values of a verbal form – are defined -i(r) and other its derivatives, many of which are described in the Khakass language for the first time. Authors consider that the form -i(r) is connected with obligatory existence of a pertseptor concerning which there is an observed action: in close proximity or in a distance, eyes speaking or the char-acter, in the real or past tense. Verb form – and (p) and a participle form -iɣan / -igen coincide with the plan of the pre-sent, and observed action takes place just before the observer's eyes. The form -idyr / -idir also refers to the present, but the observed action takes place in some distance from the perceptor (observer). The form of the verb -yenan transfers the action to the past-time plan. The verbal adverb form -iryp / -irip, -idyryp / -idirip designates minor action of a komitativny situation. The form of conditional inclination -yz / -ise denotes that the observer is the subject of action. Keywords: Khakass language, relevant and long way of action, observer, aspektualnost, aspectual and taksisny situations Bibliography: Dyrenkova N.P. Grammatika hakasskogo yazyka. Fonetika i morfologiya. [Grammar of the Khakass language. Phonetics and morphology]. Abakan, 1948, 124 p. (in Russ.) Grammatika hakasskogo yazyka [Grammar of the Khakass language]. Moscow, 1975, рр. 204–205 (in Russ.) Hakassko-russkij slovar' (S prilozheniem ocherka «Hakasskij yazyk») [Hakass-Russian Dictionary (With the appendix of the essay "Hakass Language")]. Moscow, 1953. (in Russ.)Karpov V.G. Hakasskij yazyk: problemy i perspektivy razvitiya [Khakass language: problems and prospects of development]. Abakan, 2007, 260 p. (in Russ.) Karpov V.G. Iz"yavitel'noe naklonenie glagola v sovremennom hakasskom yazyke [Indicative mood of a verb in modern Khakass language]. Abakan, 2014, 164 p. (in Russ.) Kormushin I.V. Tyurkskie enisejskie epitafii: grammatika, tekstologiya [Turkic Yenisei epitaphs: grammar, textual criticism]. Moscow, 2008, 342 p. (in Russ.) Kyzlasova I.L. Formy nastoyashchego vremeni s uchastiem glagola chat- «lezhat'» v hakasskom yazyke [Forms of the present time involving the verb chat- "lie down" in the Hakass language]. In: Korennye narody Sibiri: istoriya, tradicii i sovremennost': materialy regional'noj nauchno-prakticheskoj kon-ferencii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem (Novosibirsk, 12 oktyabrya 2017 g.) [Indigenous peoples of Siberia: history, traditions and modernity: materials of the regional scientific and practical conference with international participation]. Abakan, 2018 (in Russ.) Paducheva E.V. Semanticheskie issledovaniya (Semantika vremeni i vida v russkom yazyke; Semantika narrativa) [Semantic studies (Semantics of time and species in Russian; Semantics Narrative)]. Moscow, 1996 (in Russ.) Pupynin Yu.A. O roli perceptora v funkcionirovanii grammaticheskih kategorij vida, zaloga i vremeni v russkom yazyke [On the role of the perceptor in the functioning of grammatical categories of type, pledge and time in Russian]. In: Kategorii morfologii i sintaksisa v vyskazyvanii [Categories of morphology and syntax in the statement]. St. Petersburg, 2000 (in Russ.) Teoriya funkcional'noj grammatiki: vvedenie, aspektual'nost', vremennaya lokalizovannost', taksis [Theory of functional grammar: introduction, aspect, temporal localization, taxis]. Moscow, 2013 (in Russ.) |
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