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Languages and Folklore of
Digital network scientific journal Indigenous Peoples of Siberia For specialists in literature and folklor |
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DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783
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Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia) | |
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ArticleName: Some of the features of the consonant system of the Chalkan language Authors: N. N. Shirobokova, N. N. Fedina In the section Фонетика
Abstract: In the following article, we describe the changes that have occurred in Chalkan phonetics over the last 70 years. We compare the consonant system data collected by N. A. Baskakov to modern research data of Siberian experimental phonetics. Certain differences between the Chalkan phonetic systems and other Siberian languages are revealed. We also describe the phonetic processes that are currently taking place in the modern Chalkan language. We list the following changes in Chalkan consonantism: nasalization of labial consonants in anlaut (p- → m-), denasalization of labial consonants in inlaut (-m- → -β-), spirantization of occlusive labial phonemes in inlaut (-p- → -β-), replacement of the anlaut č- by the Altai ħ-, removal of the final fricative low-obstruent super-weak -ɣ. In Siberian Turkic languages, including the Chalkan language (as well as some Kipchak languages, including Kyrgyz, Kazakh, etc.), one may observe a process that can be characterized as a shift of phonotactic trends typical for monosyllabic roots in inter-morphemic clusters of consonants. As the model of affix annexation via connective vowels disappeared, the number of inter-morphemic consonant combinations increased, intensifying the processes of assimilation. Cases of progressive assimilation are the most common: if a stem ends with a vowel or a sonorous consonant, the first obstruent consonant of the affix is either voiced or sonorous (tүn=de ‘at night’, palъ=ɡe ‘to the child’ in Chalkan). If a stem ends with a voiceless consonant, the first consonant of the affix is also voiceless (pᴜlᴜt(t)e ‘on a cloud’, kaske ‘to a goose’ in Chalkan). The Chalkan languages possesses traits typical for Southern Siberian Turkic languages; however, it also has traits similar to those of Kipchak languages, namely the relatively high degree of preservation of voiceless intervocalic consonants in stems (whereas in inter-morphemic positions they are voiced). Keywords: Chalkan, phonetics, consonantism, phonetic processes Bibliography: Baskakow N. A. Severnye dialekty altayskogo (ojrotskogo) jazyka. Dialekt lebedinskix tatar-tchalkantsew (kuu – kyzy) [Northern Dialects of the Altai (Oirot) Language. Dialect of Lebedin Chalkan-Tatars (Kuu-Kyzy)]. Moscow, 1985. (in Russ.). Dmitriev N. K. Sootvetstvija r//d//t//z//ҙ//j [Compliances r//d//t//z//ҙ//j]. In: Issledovanija po sravnitel'noj grammatike tjurkskih jazykov [Researches on comparative grammar of Turkic languages]. Moscow, 1955, iss. 1, Fonetika, pp. 326–329. (in Russ.). Kandarakova A. M. Chalkandu dialekt kereginde [About Chalkan language]. Altajdyҥ Cholmony [Star оf Altai]. Gorno-Altajsk, 1972. 22 November. (in Alt.). Kirsanowa N.A. Konsonantizm v jazyke tchalkantsev (po eksperimentalnym dannym) [Chalkan Consonantism (According to Experimental Data)]. Novosibirsk, 2003. 149 p. (in Russ.). Malow S. E. Pamjatniki drevnetjurkskoy pismennosti [Ancient Turkic Monuments]. Moscow, Leningrad, 1951. (in Russ.). Mandrowa N. A. Konsonantizm v jazyke tchalkantsev (po eksperimentalnym dannym) [Chalkan Consonantism According to Experimental Data]. Cand. of Ph.D. Alma-Ata, 1982. (in Russ.). Selyutina I. Ya. Konsonantnie sistemy v jazykax narodov Sibiri: k probleme tipologii [Consonant Systems in Siberian Languages: On Issues of Typology]. Novosibirsk, 2009. 326 p. (in Russ.). Selyutina I. Ya. Kumandinskij konsonantizm. Eksperimentalno-phoneticheskoe issledovanie [Kumandy Consonantism: An Experimental Phonetic Study]. Novosibirsk, 1983. (in Russ.). Shirobokova N. N. Otnoschenie jakutskogo jazyka k tjurkskim jazykam juzhnoj Sibiri [Yakut Language and its Relations with Southern Siberian Turkic Languages]. Novosibirsk, 2005. 269 p. (in Russ.). |
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