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Languages and Folklore of
Digital network scientific journal Indigenous Peoples of Siberia For specialists in literature and folklor |
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DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783
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Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia) | |
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ArticleName: Crane tunes and dances in Kalmyk traditional culture Authors: G. A. Dordzhieva In the section Музыкальная этнография
Abstract: The article is devoted to the documentation of music-related phenomena of the Togrun Bi (Crane dance of Kalmyks). The traditional music of Kalmyks is deeply rooted in the culture of Oirad. The new geographical and ethnic environment changed and transformed it. The most obvious shift took place in the dances and musical instruments (their organology, performing style, and tunes). At the same time, on this outskirt of the Mongolian world, some unique forms and genres have been preserved. The sources of the present research are field materials collected by author in late 1990 th in Kalmykia: non-fiarytale prose, two-string dombra tunes with singing, onomatopoeia, and round dances. The participants of Сrane praising ritual were women and children. Similar components are revealed in the ritual Togrugan biilulkhm (Force Crane to dance) and Ova täkh (a sacrifice to a host-spirit of the place). In personal stories and memoires, the mythologic idea of the curse cast by cranes made a connection to arrests, exile and other tragic events in the history of the Kalmyks in the XX century. Characteristics of Crane dances is presented in the musical notations (made by author) and their description. There are the similarities between the Kalmyk round dance with imitations of Crane movements and calls (video recording from the settlement of Yashkul) and circular dances of Evenki, Yakuts, and some other Turkic-languages peoples of Siberia. These rare elements of Kalmyk tradition trail to the regions of South Siberia and Central Asia, from where some Oirad groups brought it to Volga region. Keywords: Kalmyks, Oirad, ritual music, text pragmatics, mythology, non-fairytale prose, dombra, onomatopoeia, round dance Bibliography: Alekseyeva G. G. Narodnopesennoe tvorchestvo v sisteme traditsionnoy muzykal’noy kul’tury dolgan [Folk songs in the system of the Dolgans’ traditional musical culture]. Yakutsk, 2005. (In Russ.) Ambekova B. P. Tsetsn bulg. Rodnik mudrosti [Source of wisdom]. Elista, Djangar Publ. House, 2006. (In Russ. and in Kalmyk) Bakaeva E. P. Dobuddiyskie verovania kalmykov [Pre-Buddhist believes of Kalmyks]. In: Kalmyki [Kalmyks]. Ed. E. P. Bakaeva, N. L. Zhukovskaya; In-t etnologii i antropologii im. N. N. Mikluho-Maklaya RAN; KIGI RAN. Moscow, Nauka Publ. House, 2010. (In Russ.) Bakaeva E. P. Krugovye tantsy v kul’ture kalmykov I oiratov (k postanovke problemy) [Round dances in Kalmyk and Oirad culture (problem statement)]. In: Krugovye tantsy: Priroda – Chelovek – Kosmos [Round dances: Nature – Human – Cosmos]. Kollektivnaya monographia pod obschey red. A. G. Lukinoy. Arkticheckiy gosudarstvennyi in-t kul’tury i iskusstva. Yakutsk, 2014. (In Russ.) Basangova T. G. Zhuravl‘ v fol’klornoy traditsii kalmykov [Crane in the folk tradition of Kalmyks]. Izvestia Volgogradskogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta. Volgograd, 2019, pp. 212–217. (In Russ.) Bitkeev N. Ts. Kalmutskiy pesennyi fol’klor [Kalmyk song folklore]. Elista, Djangar Publ. House, 1995, pp. 55–56. (In Russ.) Burykin A. A. K probleme proiskhozhdenia krugovuh tantsev u narodov Sibiri: tsirkumbaikal’sko-tibetskie paralleli [On issue of the origins of round dances of Siberian peoples: Baikal-Tibetan parallels]. In: Krugovye tantsy: Priroda – Chelovek – Kosmos [Round dances: Nature – Human – Cosmos]. Multi-authored monograph. Chief ed. A. G. Lukina, Arkticheckiy gosudarstvennyi in-t kul’tury i iskusstva. Yakutsk, 2014, pp. 21–27. (In Russ.) Sheikin Yu. I. Istoria muzykal’noy kul’tury narodov Sibiri: Sravnitel’no-istoricheskoe issledovanie [The history of the musical culture of the peoples of Siberia: Comparative study]. Chief ed. E. S. Novik; note writing by T. I. Ignat’eva. Moscow, Vost. Lit. Publ. House, 2002. (In Russ.) Khabunova Ye. E. Kalmytskaya svadebnaya poezia. Issledovanie i materialy [Poetry of Kalmyk wedding. Research and materials]. Elista, Kalmyts. kn. izd-vo, 1998. (In Russ.) Т. С. Тягинован амн урн үгин көрңгәс. Fol’klornye materialy iz repertuara T. S. Tyaginovoi [Folklore materials from T. S. Tyagunova’s repertoire]. Self-recorded in 2004–2010 gg. Elista, KIGI RAN, 2011. (In Kalmyk) |
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