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Languages and Folklore of
Digital network scientific journal Indigenous Peoples of Siberia For specialists in literature and folklor |
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DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783
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Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia) | |
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ArticleName: Сharms and spells from a dislocation in the oral tradition of the Middle Irtysh region Authors: V. A. Moskvina In the section Обрядовый фольклор
Abstract: The article deals with the spells of one functional-thematic group recorded in the Middle Irtysh region. The features of existence of these spells in the regional tradition of the Middle Irtysh region and versification of their plots are re- vealed. The prevalence of spells in cause of a wrench in the two Northern districts of Omsk region is caused by the settle- ment of Belarusians in these places in the late XIX – early XX centuries. This suggests that the place of the exodus tra- dition of the spells from a wrench is in Belarus. The analysis of the plots of these spells confirms this assumption. The method of examining the Siberian plots is based on the systematization of structural elements of plots proposed by T. A. Agapkina and A. L. Toporkov which researchers call episodes. The article compares the episodes of the second Mersebourg spell in Belarusian spells with Siberian texts. The comparison shows that the language of this spells being subjected to Russification. On the one hand, this leads to the loss of some motives and formulas, i.e. the violation of the integrity of the plot, on the other hand, the rhythm of the text is enhanced, the rhyme appears. These processes open the way to the penetration of verbal components from other functional groups into the considered spells. As the result, one can observe the extension of ideas that this disease is not necessarily associated with the violation of integrity of the body. Keywords: сharms and spells, migrants’ traditions, versions of a plot Bibliography: Agapkina T. A., Toporkov A. L. Belorusskie versii Vtorogo Merzeburgskogo zagovora (2008–2010) [Belarusian versions of the second Mersebourg spell (2008–2010)]. Folklore and Post-Folklore: Structure, Typology and Semiotics. URL: www.ruthenia.ru/folklore/toporkov7.htm (access date 22.09.2019). (In Russ.) Asb'ernsen P. K. Na vostok ot solntsa, na zapad ot luny. Norvezhskie skazki i predaniya [East of the sun, West of the moon. Norwegian tales and legends]. Translated by A. Lyubarskaya. Petrozavodsk, Karelia Publ. House, 1972, pp. 13–31. URL: https://litvek.com/book-read/83250-kniga-peter-kristen-asbyornsen-na-vostok-ot-solntsa-na-zapad-ot-lunyi-norv- skazki-i-predaniya-chitat-online?p=3 (access date 22.09.2019). (In Russ.) Moskvina V. A. Russkie zagovory v Zapadnoy Sibiri (XIX – nachala XXI vv.) [Russian spells in Western Siberia (XIX – early XXI centuries)]. Omsk, Omsk State Pedagogical University Publ. House, 2005, 470 p. (In Russ.) Polesskie zagovory (v zapisyakh 1970–1990 gg.) [Polesskie zagovory (recorded in 1970–1990)]. Сomp., text edition and comments by T. A. Agapkina, E. E. Levkievskaya, A. L. Toporkov. Moscow, Indrik Publ. House, 2003, 752 p. (In Russ.) Poznanskiy N. Zagovory. Opyt issledovaniya proiskhozhdeniya i razvitiya zagovornykh formul [Spells. The experience of the study of the origin and development of charms formulae]. Moscow, Indrik Publ. House, 1995, 352 p. (In Russ.) RKOF – Russkiy kalendarno-obryadovyy fol'klor Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka: Pesni. Zagovory [The Russian calendar and ritual folklore of Siberia and the Far East: Songs. Charms and spells]. Сomp. by F. F. Bolonev, M. N. Mel'nikov, N. V. Leonova. Novosibirsk, Nauka Publ. House, 1997, 605 p. (Monuments of Folklore of the Peoples of Siberia and the Far Est; Vol. 13). (In Russ.) SRSG – Slovar' russkikh starozhil'cheskikh govorov Srednego Priirtysh'ya [Dictionary of Russian old-timers’ dialects of the Middle Irtysh region]. Ed. G. A. Sadretdinovoy. Tomsk, Tomsk State University Publ. House, 1993, vol. 3, 358 p. (In Russ.) |
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