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Languages and Folklore of
Digital network scientific journal Indigenous Peoples of Siberia For specialists in literature and folklor |
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DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783
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Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia) | |
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ArticleName: Notes from Petropavlovka: according to the results of the expedition in 2016 to Maslyaninsky district of Novosibirsk region Authors: T. V. Dayneko In the section Полевая фольклористика
Abstract: The paper contains a part of materials collected by the author in Petropavlovka village (Maslyaninsky district of Novosibirsk region) during the folklore-ethnographic expedition in 2016. Petropavlovka village was founded in 1907. At first the village was called Ukrop, by the name of the river flowing nearby; later it was renamed into Petropavlovka, by the names of the first builders, brothers Peter and Paul. The first inhabitants were peasants settlering from Byelorussia (mostly) and Ukraine, from Chernigovskaya province and the borderland of Bryansk-Smolensk region. Currently, Petropavlovka is a mixed type of settlements where Byelorussians and representatives of other ethnic groups live. The paper presents the transcription of the interview with the women dwelling in Petropavlovka village, who are descendants of the settlers from Byelorussia and border regions inheriting their folk tradition. The information about calendar rituals and songs of Petropavlovka is selected in the article. The information is compiled according the year calendar cycle that is reflected in the paper sections. According to informants, the Cristmastide (The Cristmas – New Year – Epiphany) in Petropavlovka village presented all the main ritual elements: walking from yard to yard singing carols, fortunetelling, evening parties of young people. The songs in this period include the time-connected genres: carols, childrens’ recited waits. On Maslenitsa week the main ritual action was the burning of effigies. Humorous “maslenski” songs could be performed not only on Maslenitsa, but also on the second day of the wedding. The spring period in Petropavlovka village was represented by the Easter ritual complex. It also included ritual actions of the Radonitsa: a meal in a cemetery, singing troparions. Several round songs and “gukalnye” songs (they are almost gone now) were recorded in Petropavlovka village. The summer calendar period is marked by the feast of the Triniti Sunday. On the eve of the Triniti Sunday, the inhabitants of Petropavlovka went to the forest and torn the grass and flowers to decorate the home. The young people walked in the forest, swung on swings specially built to this day, the girls woven wreaths of flowers and herbs. The verbal texts of some songs from different calendar cycles are published in the paper. The aim of the paper is to introduce new materials on folklore of Byelorussian settlers to Siberia for scientific use. Keywords: folklore of the Byelorussians of Siberia, calendar rituals and songs of the Siberian Byelorussian settlers, Maslyaninsky district of Novosibirsk region, fieldwork materials, field folklore study Bibliography: Dayneko T.V. Kalendarnye obryady i pesni sela Kamyshinka (materialy ekspeditsii 2016 goda) [Calendar Rituals and Songs of Kamyshinka Village (Fieldwork Materials of 2016)]. Yazyki i fol’klor korennykh narodov Sibiri [Languages and Folklore of Native Peoples of Siberia], 2016, no. 2 (iss. 31), pp. 85–91. (In Russ.). Dayneko T.V. Kalendarnye fol'klorno-etnograficheskie traditsii belorusov Kyshtovskogo rayona Novosibirskoy oblasti [Calendar Folklore-Ethnographic Traditions of the Byelorussians of Kyshtovsky District, Novosibirsk Region]. Vestnik Kemerovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kul’tury i iskusstv [Bulletin of Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts], 2017, no. 2 (39), pp. 130–136. (In Russ.). Leonova N.V. Problemy izucheniya fol'klora belorusov Sibiri [The problems of study of the Byelorussian Folklore of Siberia]. Gumanitarnye nauki v Sibiri [Humanities in Siberia]. 2000. no. 3. pp. 84–87. (In Russ.). Leonova N.V. Белорусские фольклорные традиции в Сибири и на Дальнем Востоке. In: Fol’klor belorusov Sibiri i Dal’nego Vostoka. Chast’1. Semeyno-obryadovye pesni i prichitaniya. Т. 13. Pamyatniki fol’klora narodov Sibiri i Dal’nego Vostoka [The Byelorussian Folklore of Siberia and the Far East. Part 1. Family Ritual Songs and Laments. Vol. 13. Monuments of Folklore of the Peoples of Siberia and Far-East]. Prepared by N.V. Leonova, T.G. Leonova, L.M. Sviridova, T.B. Varfolomeeva, K.P. Kabashnikov, A.S. Fedosik. Ed. V.M. Gatsak. Novosibirsk, Nauka Publ., 2011, рр. 12–34. (In Russ.). Fursova E.F. Puti-dorogi polevye... Iz sibirskikh dnevnikov E.F. Fursovoy [The field way and roads... From the Siberian diaries of E.F. Fursova]. Novosibirsk, ArtPress Publ., 2012. 72 с. (In Russ.). |
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