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Languages and Folklore of
Digital network scientific journal Indigenous Peoples of Siberia For specialists in literature and folklor |
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DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783
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Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia) | |
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ArticleName: Colorative in Khakas language: features of their word-formation potential Authors: I. M. Chebochakova In the section Лексика
Abstract: The paper considers the word-formation possibilities of the names of the main colors of the Khakas language, identi-fied by the analysis of derived units formed from their foundations, taking into account national and cultural specifics. Derivatives, motivated by basics of akh ‘white’, khara ‘black’, khyzyl ‘red’, kӧk ‘green’, ‘blue’, kӱreng ‘brown’, saryg ‘yellow’ are analyzed. The relevance and novelty of research in this area are associated with the increasing interest of researchers to the problem of word-formation potential in linguistics and studies on the issue in Khakass linguistic. Revealed that produces base of color name motivates the creation of derived units are the following: 1) the field names with the values of the color incompleteness of color, intensity, mixed colors, diminutiveness, 2) derivative verbs – manifestation of the trait. Verbs serve as the basis for the production of nouns denoting the state or property of the object, the phenomenon. Incompleteness of a color characteristic is expressed by attaching to adjectives the basics of the special affixes (=amdykh with variants) or particle arakh: kӧg=emdik ‘bluish’ or ‘greenish’, kӧk arakh with the same value. The intensity color characteristic, its richness is expressed through partial or full reduplication of the root, and attaching the diminutive affixes =akh, =as: khyp-khyzyl, khyzyl-khyzyl ‘very red’. The names of mixed shades are formed by adding two adjectives, which either both determine the color, or one of them calls the object compared in color: akh saryg ‘Nightingale’ (white+yellow). Diminutive color names upon accession diminutive affixes are not ex-press diminutiveness, positive attitude of the speaker towards the object of speech: khara=akh ‘black’. They deserve special consideration compound nouns formed according to the scheme "based colorative+base noun". Derived units of this type in the most part are terms that name the objects of the category according to their similarity with other objects or eye-catching color of their parts. Great derivational potential bases of coloration calling main colors (black, white, red): component akh ‘white’ rec-orded in 35 compound nouns, the component khara ‘black’ is in 37, the component khyzyl ‘red’ is in 27. Taking into account the semantic side of derivative words allows to reveal the features of realization of traditional worldview and worldview of the Khakass people. Keywords: word-formation, word-formative potential, Khakas language, the adjective, colorative, a sign, a derived word, derivational affix, a compound word Bibliography: Anzhiganova O.P., Baskakov N.A., Borgoyakov M.I., Inkizhekova-Grekul A.I., Patachakova D.F., Subrakova O.V., Beloglazov P.E., Kaskarakova Z.E., Kyzlasov A.S., Sunchugashev R.D., Chertykova M.D. Khakassko-russkij slovar [Khakass-Russian dictionary]. 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