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Languages and Folklore of
Digital network scientific journal Indigenous Peoples of Siberia For specialists in literature and folklor |
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DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783
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Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia) | |
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ArticleName: Acoustic characteristics of the vowel «а» in the Telengit language Authors: A. A. Dobrinina In the section Фонетика
Abstract: This article discusses the solid-row vocal settings of type «a» in the language of Telengit. The choice was made not by chance – this is the most frequent vowel in the language in question. The contraposition of this type of vowels in duration was revealed, the dependence of the duration of articulation on the locality was established. For formant values for the sounds of type «a» was a number and lift. According to experimental data, almost all «a»-shaped vowels of the 5th stage of separation. There are some differences across the range. Thus, almost all poludela centralnotice number, and brief – back, centralizado, the Central row (after sredneaziatskih). Keywords: phonetics, Turkic languages of Siberia, vocalism, language of Telengits, dialect, acoustic analysis, artic-ulation-acoustic base Bibliography: Almadakova N.D. Yazyk telengitov: ocherki po fonetike i morfologii v sopostavitel'nom aspekte [Language of Telengits: essays on phonetics and morphology in the comparative aspect]. Gorno-Altaysk, 2016, 203 р. Bajchura U.Sh. Vokalizm (glasnye fonemy) v altajskih yazykah [Vocalism (vowel phonemes) in the Altai languages]. Languages and toponymy. Tomsk, 1977, vol. 5, pp. 105–126. Blohina L.P., Potapova R.K. Metodika analiza prosodicheskih harakteristik rechi. Metodicheskie rekomendacii [Method of analysis of prosodic characteristics of speech. Methodical recommendation]. Moscow, 1997, 84 p. Bogorodickij V.A. Fonetika russkogo yazyka v svete eksperimental'nyh dannyh [Russian language in the light of experimental data]. Proceedings of the house of Tatar culture. Kazan, 1930, vol.3, 357 p. Bogorodickij V.A. Vvedenie v tatarskoe yazykoznanie v svyazi s drugimi tyurkskimi yazykami [Introduction in the Tatar linguistics in relation to other Turkic languages]. Kazan, 1934, 34 p. Bondarko L.V. Foneticheskoe opisanie yazyka i fonologicheskoe opisanie rechi [Phonetic description of language and phonological description of speech]. Leningrad, 1981, 199 p. Bondarko L.V., Verbickaya L.A., Gordina M.V. Osnovy obshchej fonetiki: Uchebnoe posobie dlya studentov filol. i lingv.fak vyssh.ucheb.zvedenij [Fundamentals of General phonetics: a textbook for students of philological and linguistic faculties of higher educational institutions]. St. Petersburg, 2004, 160 p. Mashtalir S.I. Artikulyatornye nastrojki glasnyh telengitskogo dialekta altajskogo yazyka po dannym staticheskogo rentgenografirovaniya [Articulatory settings of vowels of Telengit dialect of the Altai language according to static radiography]. In: Sibirskij foneticheskij sbornik. Novosibirsk, 1983, рр. 121–127. Mashtalir S.I. Sostav glasnyh fonem v telengitskom dialekte altajskogo yazyka [The composition of vowel phonemes in Telengits dialect of the Altai language]. Fonetika yazykov Sibiri. Novosibirsk, 1984, рр. 74–78. Matusevich M.I. Sovremennyj russkij yazyk: Fonetika [Modern Russian language: Phonetics]. Moscow, 1976, 288 p. Nadelyaev V.M. Artikulyacionnaya klassifikaciya glasnyh [Articulation classification of vowels]. Foneticheskie issledovaniya po sibirskim yazykam. Novosibirsk, 1980, рр. 3–91. Shcherba L.V. Russkie glasnye v kachestvennom i kolichestvennom otnoshenii [Russian vowels in qualitative and quantitative terms]. Leningrad, Nauka, 1983, 321 p. Shcherba L.V. Yazykovaya sistema i rechevaya deyatel'nost' [Language system and speech activity]. Moscow, 2004, 432 p. Zinder L.R. Obshchaya fonetika: Uchebnoe posobie [General phonetics: study guide]. Moscow, 1979, 312 p. Zlatoustova L.V., Potapova R.K., Trunin-Donskoj V.I. Obshchaya i prikladnaya fonetika [General and applied phonetics]. Moscow, 1986, 303 p. |
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