Журнал «Языки и фольклор коренных народов Сибири» | Институт филологии СО РАН
ISSN 2712-9608 [6+]
Founder — Institute of Philology, SB RAS
Languages and Folklore of
Indigenous Peoples of Siberia
Digital network scientific journal
For specialists in literature and folklor
DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337
Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783 
Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia)
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Editorial Office Address: Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the RAS. 8 Nikolaeva St, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation.


Name: Semantics and Functions of Indicative Present Tense Forms in Siberian Turkic Languages (on Example of Altai and Yakut Languages)

Authors: A. R. Tazranova

In the section Грамматика

Issue 36, 2018Pages 45-50
UDC code: 811.512.+81’36DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337-2018-2-45-50

Abstract: In the following article, we perform a comparative analysis of present tense forms in Altai and Yakut (two related Turkic languages) and show their similarities and differences. In some instance, we also describe their etymology, meanings, and usage. The Yakut part of our study is based on the works of E. I. Korkina, a major researcher of the Yakut language. In most cases, we compare the Altai and Yakut forms with forms from other Turkic languages. We offer a detailed analysis of analytical, synthetic, and grammaticalized forms. We analyze the development of analytical constructions in Southern Siberian languages. Using present tense forms as examples, we show the process of shift from synthetism to analytism and from synthetism to analytism. We demonstrate that, unlike Altai and other Turkic languages of Southern Siberia, the Yakut language does not contain the same wide range of analytical present tense constructions, which are central for other listed languages; however, it does contain synthetic forms that evolved from former analytical forms.

Keywords: Siberian Turkic Languages, temporality, present tense, synthetism, analytism, Altai language, Yakut language


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