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Languages and Folklore of
Digital network scientific journal Indigenous Peoples of Siberia For specialists in literature and folklor |
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DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783
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Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia) | |
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ArticleName: On non-predicative syntactic structures in the Orok language Authors: L. V. Ozolinya In the section Грамматика
Abstract: The paper attempts to analyze and describe one of the types of the Tungusic attributive construction – an adjectival one. Its structural and componential features in the Orok language are discussed. The traditionally viewed structure of the Tungusic attributive construction is as follows: an attribute [an adjective] + a modified component [a noun] being in a contiguous position and linked by concord [an adjective is characterized by the number and case categories] or by parataxis can vary depending on the component structure: the grammatical status of an attribute and a modified component, position (pre-position or post-position of an attribute relative to a modified component) and the syntactic linking type (concord or parataxis). In Orok, qualitative, relative, possessive adjectives; pronominal adjectives, participial adjectives, adjective numerals used as attributes to a noun, a noun-pronoun, a noun-participle. can be used functioning as attributes. The position (pre-position or post-position) and any other type of syntactic linking (parataxis and optionally non-complete agreement) are determined by an attribute status (concord in number is possible in case of a number of attribute types and concord in case is controlled by ordinal noun-numerals). In Orok a pre-position attributive adjective is usually coded by a singular nominative case marker and non-complete number category concord covers adjectives in the syntactic position of pos-position attributives or complex predicates in the predicative structure. The attributive constructions are presented by a number of types: two component (an attribute + a modified noun) and multi-component constructions including a pre-position or post-position component used as an attribute to the same referent noun (an attribute + a modified noun + an attribute) and constructions involving other types of pre-position attributes (an attribute + an attribute + a modified noun). The multi-component constructions also include attributive noun phrases parallely forming attributive and possessive constructions (an attribute [a noun] + a modified component [a possessively marked noun]), linked by a reflection syntactic type). Each attributive construction component has an independent syntactic function used either as an attribute not in concord or an attribute in concord. Keywords: Orok language, attributive construction, adjective, attribute, modified phrase, preposition, postposition, parataxis, non-complete concord Bibliography: Avrorin V.A. Sintaksicheskie issledovanija po nanajskomu jazyku [Syntactic studies of the Nanai language]. Leningrad, Nauka, 1981, 196 p. Avrorin V.A., Boldyrev B.V. Grammatika orochskogo jazyka [An Oroch grammar]. Novosibirsk, Izdatel'stvo SO RAN, 2001, 399 p. Boldyrev B.V. Morfologija jevenkijskogo jazyka [Evenki morphology]. Novosibirsk, Nauka, 2007, 746 p. Petrova T.I. Jazyk orokov (ul'ta). [The Orok [Uilta] language]. Leningrad, Nauka, 1967, 156 p. Petrova T.I. Orokskij jazyk [The Orok language]. In: Jazyki narodov SSSR [The languages of the USSR peoples]. Leningrad, 1968, vol. V, pp. 149–171. Sravnitel'nyj slovar' tunguso-man'chzhurskih jazykov [The comparative dictionary of the Tungusic languages]. Leningrad, 1975, vol. I, 572 p. Sravnitel'nyj slovar' tunguso-man'chzhurskih jazykov [The comparative dictionary of the Tungusic languages]. Leningrad, Leningrad, vol. II, 1977, 992 p. |
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