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Languages and Folklore of
Digital network scientific journal Indigenous Peoples of Siberia For specialists in literature and folklor |
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DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783
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Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia) | |
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ArticleName: Orok folklore: general and special Authors: G. S. Vrtanesjan In the section Повествовательный фольклор
Abstract: The paper analyzes folklore of Oroks (Uilta). In the folklore culture of the Tungus-Manchu-speaking peoples, the folklore of the Oroks (Uilta) stands apart. This is partly due to its position as an isolate language (a small group of Uilta – about 300 people – live on Sakhalin Island surrounded by Nivkhs and Sakhalin Evens, in the 18th and early 19th centuries - Ainu, and now - Russians), partly – to the climatic conditions, in part - to the the main activities: Oroks unit-ed in their ethnic culture reindeer breeding, hunting and fishing. Researchers note the commonality of terminology and genre grouping in the folklore of the Tungus-Manchu peoples in the entire Far East, including the island of Sakhalin, which testifies to the common folklore tradition formed as a result of long mutual enrichment [The Folklore of the Udege…, 1998, p. 21]. The analysis of texts and the position of the Oroks as an isolate language [Missonova, 2006, pp. 35–46]) provides an opportunity to estimate the survival rate of the early forms of plots. When comparing the Orok folklore with the folklore of Ainu (as another possible source of borrowing genres and plots), it turns out that in the Orok folklore there is no genre diversity that is characteristic to the Ainu folklore [Novik, 2009, pp. 45–56]. A whole series of characteristic plots connects the Orok folklore with the South Tungus and other Siberian peoples. These are etiological myths (a bear ancestor), a description of the forest spirits (Caldi), the ogre named Roasting jack (Silopu Bagdini), etc. In addition to the noted (etiological, primitive) plots, there are a number of other plots: "the brother-dabster", "the baby- demon" , "a trickster and a cannibal", "fox-trickster", "fox-ramper", "merciless hunter", "young avenger", etc.), having parallels in both the Siberian and Eurasian traditions. The proposed work is devoted to the study of the similarity of the plots of the common and Orok folklore texts. The main sources used by the author are materials collected by K. Novikova (Archive of Novikova, 1949–1950) and field records by L.V. Ozolinya (Archive of Ozolinya, 1986–2000). The records represent almost all of the above genres. The author of the work is fully aware of the lack of a full-fledged database of sources (especially this applies to the southern Oroks), which would allow us to expand our rather limited ideas about the folklore of the Oroks in general. Since the comparison involves the use of a huge array of data, to save space, references are given to the Analytical catalog of fairy-tale plots by Yu.E. Berezkin and E.N. Duvakin, where there is almost all necessary information. Keywords: Oroks, folklore, etiology, bear cult, genre structure, plot structure, binary world, demonology Bibliography: Аникин А.Е. К типологии названий Большой медведицы в языках Сибири // Известия СО АН СССР. Сер. История, филология и философия.1990. Вып. 3. С. 18–22. Берёзкин Ю.Е., Дувакин Е.Н. Тематическая классификация и распределение фольклорно-мифологических мотивов по ареалам: Аналитический каталог [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://www.ruthenia. ru/folklore/berezkin (дата обращения: 12.05.2018). Березницкий С.В. 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