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Languages and Folklore of
Digital network scientific journal Indigenous Peoples of Siberia For specialists in literature and folklor |
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DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783
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Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia) | |
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ArticleName: Deagentive constructions in the Ket language: toward a problem statement Authors: S. S. Butorin In the section Грамматика
Abstract: The paper deals with the deagentive constructions in the Ket language which refer to actant derivation, namely to the valency decreasing derivation. The basic agentive and derived deagentive verbs and constructions are analyzed. The agentive constructions are derived from the agentive ones by means of deleting the agent noun phrase and thus remov-ing it from the syntactic subject position and simultaneously omitting (deleting) the agentive marker agreement slot. The patient noun phrase moves to the syntactic subject position while preserving its control over cross-referencing to the patient in the verbal patient agreement slot, i. e. it fills the same verbal object agreement slot both in agentive and deagentive verbs without changing it. The review of the existing differing and debatable approaches to the verbs and constructions in question is given. The deagentive verbs are treated by different authors as intransitive-passive verbs, passive voice forms, resultative-passive verbs, purely resultative verbs, resultative participles. One can’t argue that the passive voice constructions are inherent to the Ket verb system for their occurrence might have been induced by the influence of the Russian grammatical system since the Ket language belongs to the category of endangered languages and the Russian language largely dominates over the Ket language and supersedes it in the Ket community. It is pro-posed to refer the verds and constructions in question to deagentive ones. Since syntactic the subject has the highest rank in the communicative weight hierarchy the semantic patient is thus raised in its communicative rank, while the semantic agent is either eliminated in the surface-syntactic representation of the utterance or quite rarely backgrounded by being moved to the agentive object position thus being lowered in its communicative weight. The strategies of deriv-ing deagentive constructions include the following ones: transforming the agentive-objective conjugation into the objec-tive conjugation, using correlative oppositions differing in verbalizers (verb-forming elements) and employing a valency-decreasing affix. The deletion of the agentive agreement slot is obligatory. The paper is intended for specialists in polysynthetic languages, morphology, syntactic derivation and typological studies. 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