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Languages and Folklore of
Digital network scientific journal Indigenous Peoples of Siberia For specialists in literature and folklor |
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DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783
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Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia) | |
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ArticleName: Verb forms with desiderative meanings in the chalkan language Authors: N. N. Fedina In the section Лексика
Abstract: Many Chalkan analytical constructions have contracted into single word forms as a result of synthetization. On the one hand, when such contractions occur, the system of morphological verb forms becomes more complex; on the other hand, the surface phonetic structures of verb forms become more simple.
Very often, only root morphemes and person markers are preserved in verbs. This results in the fact that it is not always possible to detect the source of formation of specific contracted verb forms. One of such forms is the verb form with -yrat with desiderative meaning, which was formed as a contraction of an analytical construction.
The form with -yrat has the modal semantic of volition and willingness to perform an action in the future.
In our article, we analyze the forms with -yrajt / -ajt, -yrat / -at, -yrejt / -ejt, -yret / -et, which were formed as con-tractions of an analytical construction. These forms are currently on different stages of contraction; however, they can be freely used by the same native speakers. Different forms can be used to express the same meanings.
Possible origins of this form are thought to be the following:
1) it was formed from the infinitive marker -yra (-yrga) // -yre (-yrge) and the auxiliary verb tur ‘to stand’ with fu-ture tense marker wirh -аr: tög=yre=t=ym ( Keywords: Chalkan language, verb forms, analytical contracted forms, synthethic forms, morpheme, form Bibliography: Адамсон И. Модальный смысл дезидеративности: от семантической зоны к семантической типологии высказываний (на материале русского языка): автореф. … доктора философии в области русского языка. Таллин, 2006. Баскаков Н. А. Северные диалекты алтайского (ойротского) языка. Диалект лебединских татар-чалканцев (куу-кижи). М., 1985. Даль Э. Возникновение и сохранение языковой сложности. М., 2009. Корди Е. Е. Оптативность. Теория функциональной грамматики. Темпоральность. Модальность. Ленинград, 1990. Майсак Т. А. Типология грамматикализации конструкций с глаголами движения и глаголами позиции. М., 2005. Невская И. А. Категория проспектива и некоторые проспективные формы в чалканском языке // Историко-культурное наследие Хакассии. Абакан, 2011. Плунгян В. А. Классификация элементарных глагольных значений, используемых в БД “Verbum”. www.mccme.ru/ling/verbum.html. 2004. Kuryłowicz J. The inflectional categories of Indo-European. Heidelberg, 1964. Meillet A. L’evolution des formes grammaticales // Scientia. 1912, рр. 388–400. [Reprinted in: Meillet A. Linguistique historique et linguistique generale. Paris, 1965.] |
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