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Languages and Folklore of
Digital network scientific journal Indigenous Peoples of Siberia For specialists in literature and folklor |
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DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783
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Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia) | |
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ArticleName: Pecularities of the Evenki accent in Russian speech (On the basis of the Russian speech of the Semlejin Evenks) Authors: O. V. Morozova, E. A. Protsukovich In the section Фонетика
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to describe and analyze the manifestations of phonetic interference in the Russian speech of the Amur Evenks, as well as to determine the causes of the Evenki accent in the non-native speech of the Evenki language speakers. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were accomplished: 1) carrying out a contrastive analysis of the phonological systems of the Russian and Evenki languages; 2) instrumental analysis of the linguistic material. The method of carrying out instrumental research included conducting auditory, acoustic and perceptual types of analysis. During auditory analysis of sound material isolated words implemented with violations of the Russian pronunciation norm were selected. During the acoustic analysis performed in the computer program of processing the speech signal PRAAT, measurements of the frequency of the fundamental tone were made, intensity and duration of the segment units, and the formant values of the vowels were obtained. The experimental-phonetic study conducted on the material of the Russian speech of the Selemdja Evenks revealed that the steady accent features in the Evenki Russian speech are: 1) lack of a qualitative reduction of the vowel /o/ in unstressed syllables of Russian words, and replacing of vowels in Russian words in accordance with the Evenki law of the harmony of vowels; 2) realization of the occlusive apical consonant /t/, pure or affricated, instead of the affricate /ʧʲ/, replacing of the affricate/ʧʲ/ by the fricative consonant /ʃʲ:/; 3) replacing of the round-fricative consonants /s/ by flat-fricative apical /s˝/, replacing of bifocal consonants /ʒ/ and /ʃ/ and affricates /ʦ/ by flat-fricative apical /s˝/; 4) realization of implosive allophones of occlusive consonant phonemes /t/, /k/, /p/ prepausally; 5) ellipsis of the consonant /tʲ/ in the final consonant cluster /sʲtʲ/; 6) realization of epenthetic vowel in consonant combinations. The results of this study allows to conclude that the reason of the Evenki accent in the Russian speech of the Amur Evenks is not only the peculiarities of phonological systems of the Evenki and Russian languages, but also the peculiarity of their articulatory-acoustic bases. Keywords: Russian language, Evenki language, accent, phonological system, vocalism, consonantism, articulatory base, peculiarities of realization Bibliography: Баданова Т. А. Акустические параметры словесного ударения в русском, алтайском и других тюркских языках // Вестник молодых ученых: сборник научных работ. Горно-Алтайск: РИО ГАГУ, 2009. № 6. С. 12‒14. Бойцова А. Ф. Сочетаемость согласных в эвенкийском языке // Языки и фольклор народов сибирского Севера. М.; Л., 1966. С. 143–159. Болдырев Б. В. Эвенкийско-русский словарь. Новосибирск, 2000. Ч. II. 483 с. Галеева М. М. 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