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Languages and Folklore of
Digital network scientific journal Indigenous Peoples of Siberia For specialists in literature and folklor |
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DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783
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Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia) | |
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ArticleName: Types of editions of olonkho(the experience of the Yakut specialists in folklore Authors: V.V. Illarionov, T.V. Illarionova In the section Проблемы систематизации и публикаци
Abstract: In the article the author emphasizes two types of the olonkho edition: popular-scientific and academic. The popular-scientific edition of the olonkho begins with the publication of the olonkho "Muldju The Strong" performed by the famous olonhosut D.M. Govorov. At present Yakut folklorists are working on the series "Yakut heroes" and "Yakut olonkho", each volume of which includes original texts of epic works with the most characteristic local features. A separate, very important aspect in the publication of the olonkho is its translation into Russian, which gives the multilingual country the opportunity to widely introduce the monument for scientific use. At the beginning of the XXI century, the translation of epic texts was carried out by E.S. Sidorov. He translated the olonkho performed by D.M. Govorov, D.A. Tomskaya, and N.G. Tagrov, which were published in two languages and introduced for scientific use. The academic edition begins with the publication of G.U. Ergis "Nyurgun Bootur The Impetuous" in which the au-thor for the first time in the Yakut folklore studies developed the principles of a bilingual edition of the national text. In the introductory article the author raises questions about the genesis of olonkho, its ideological content, genre specificity, basic images and visual means, gives information on the collection and publication of olonkho, as well as biographical information about some of olonkhosuts. In the comments are given the diagrams of the plots of 12 variants of olonkho, located in the Institute\s handwriting fund. A significant contribution to the academic scientific bilingual publication is the ongoing series of the Institute of World Literature "The Epic of the Peoples of Eurasia" (until 1992 - "The Epic of the Peoples of the USSR"). In this series, Yakut folklorists I.V. Pukhov, G.U. Ergis, A.A. Popov edited and published the olonkho "The Stubborn Kulun Kullustur." In 1977 in the city of Yakutsk at the All-Union Scientific Conference the Buryat scientists V.Ts. Naidakov, A.V. Soktoev, M.I. Tulokhonov in their scientific report raised the question of the need to publish an academic bilingual sixty-volume series "Monuments of Folklore of the Peoples of Siberia and the Far East", which was supported by folklorists of Siberia and the Far East. In this series were edited and published the olonkho "Kyys Debiliye" performed by N.P. Burnashev and "The Mighty Er Sogotokh" performed by V.O. Karataev. At present, among publications of the Yakut heroic epic dominate the popular-scientific editions. In recent years, a bilingual, even trilingual edition of olonkho has been adopted, which undoubtedly contributes to the introduction for scientific use new, previously unknown epic texts and plots in science. It should be specially noted that in the Yakut folklore studies the first steps of the multimedia edition of the olonkho, which is undoubtedly a fertile material for the study of live tale, are made possible to reveal the secrets of the narrative art in general. Keywords: Yakut folklore, Yakut epic, olonkho, types of publications, multimedia editions Bibliography: Ала Булкун. Якутский героический эпос / Олонхосут Т.В. Захаров–Чээбий, зап. В.Н. Васильев; пер. Г.В. Баишев-Алтан Сарын; вступ. ст. Н.В. Емельянов. Якутск: Сахаполиграфиздат, 1994. Богатырка Кыыс Кылаабынай. Якутский героический эпос / Олонхосут Д.А.Томская–Чайка, сост. В.В. Илларионов, Н.А. Оросина, А.Д. Татаринова. Якутск: Алаас, 2016. Богатырь Омуннаайы: Якутский героический эпос / Олонхосут Д.А. Томская, сост. Е.И. Бурцева, Н.В. Павлова, А.Д. Татаринова. Якутск: ИГИиПМНС СО РАН, 2016. Говоров Д.М. Бүдүрүйбэт Мүлдьү Бөҕө = Неспотыкающий Мюлджю Сильный: Олонхо. М., 1938. 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