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Languages and Folklore of
Digital network scientific journal Indigenous Peoples of Siberia For specialists in literature and folklor |
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DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783
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Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia) | |
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ArticleName: The solar aspects of the image of Geser: the Buryat epic and ethnocultural tradition Authors: B. S. Dugarov In the section Повествовательный фольклор
Abstract: Since old times, the sun has been a stable object of religious worship and veneration among the peoples of Central Asia and adjacent territories. This is reflected in the mythopoetic legends of the Turkic-Mongolian peoples. As such, an illuminating manifestations of the solar cult are found in the Buryat heroic epic "Abai Geser", in which the hero per-forms a mission to eradicate evil, cleanse the land from monsters and various kinds of evil. The characteristics of Geser as an epic hero of divine origin contain clearly marked features of the solar hero, which, as shown in the article, are conveyed through his celestial ancestry that goes back to solar deities, and through the mission of affirming on earth the triumph of light and good over the forces of darkness and evil. In fact, Geser\s deeds are functionally identical to the purpose of the sun, which warms the earth, animates nature and fills the world with the eternal meaning of life. The author gives a detailed interpretation of the solar motifs in the plot of the epic work and the associated tradition of performing the epic itself, based on faith in the magical power of the word, to help the weakening sun to be born again in the new year (similar to the myth of a dying and resurrecting god or beast). The solar nature of Geser perfectly fitted the calendar-ritual performing of the epos, in which he is the main hero, carrying the civilizing solar mission of the liberation of the Cosmos from Chaos. The article convincingly traces the emanation of sun signs that permeate the poetic fabric of the epic narrative and meet the traditional religious-mythological and ethical ideas of the Mongolian peoples. According to the author\s conclusions, the solar aspects of the image of Geser, which have expressive parallels in the Turkic-Mongolian epic, myths, historical legends, shamanic songs and in the ethnoultural traditions in general, are a profound reflection of the cult of the sun - one of the oldest and most stable in the religious world views of the Central Asian nomads and their descendants. Perhaps it was the solar motif that served as the basis of the ideology of "Geseriad", which grew out of the "bronze diapers" of the heroic epic of the early nomads of Mongolia and South Siberia. Keywords: epic, mythology, solar cult, epic hero, Geseriad, narrators, ethnocultural tradition Bibliography: Абай Гэсэр / Вступ. ст., подгот. текста, пер. и коммент. А.И. Уланова. Улан-Удэ, 1960. 314 с. Абай Гэсэр Богдо хаан / Зап. и сост. С.П. Балдаева. Подгот. текста и предисл. М.И. Тулохонова, Д.Д. Гомбоин. Улан-Удэ, 1995. 528 с. Алтаргана. 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